Emergent Mind

SIGNeRF: Scene Integrated Generation for Neural Radiance Fields

Published Jan 3, 2024 in cs.CV and cs.GR


Advances in image diffusion models have recently led to notable improvements in the generation of high-quality images. In combination with Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs), they enabled new opportunities in 3D generation. However, most generative 3D approaches are object-centric and applying them to editing existing photorealistic scenes is not trivial. We propose SIGNeRF, a novel approach for fast and controllable NeRF scene editing and scene-integrated object generation. A new generative update strategy ensures 3D consistency across the edited images, without requiring iterative optimization. We find that depth-conditioned diffusion models inherently possess the capability to generate 3D consistent views by requesting a grid of images instead of single views. Based on these insights, we introduce a multi-view reference sheet of modified images. Our method updates an image collection consistently based on the reference sheet and refines the original NeRF with the newly generated image set in one go. By exploiting the depth conditioning mechanism of the image diffusion model, we gain fine control over the spatial location of the edit and enforce shape guidance by a selected region or an external mesh.

SIGNeRF pipeline shows NeRF scene editing with object generation, reference cameras, and inpainting for consistency.


  • SIGNeRF is a novel method for high-fidelity editing and object integration in 3D scenes using 2D diffusion models.

  • It utilizes a reference-sheet-based strategy to ensure 3D consistency across edits, refining Neural Radiance Fields in a single operation.

  • The SIGNeRF pipeline includes scene selection, ControlNet processing, and iterative updates for multi-view consistency.

  • Comparison to existing methods shows SIGNeRF's superior performance in scene preservation, precision, and speed.

  • While leading to consistent edits and optimizing editing processes, SIGNeRF has limitations with distance and off-center object edits.


This paper introduces SIGNeRF, an innovative method for editing existing 3D scenes and integrating new objects with high fidelity using generative 2D diffusion models. Traditional approaches require complex pipelines, iterative optimizations, and lack precise control over the results. SIGNeRF addresses these challenges by leveraging a reference-sheet-based update strategy, ensuring 3D consistency across edits. This novel strategy for generating and updating image sets is based on a multi-view reference sheet made up of modified images, which then refine the original Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) scene in a single operation.

Background and Related Work

In terms of related work, the paper reflects on the advancements in text-to-image and text-to-3D generation, acknowledging the integration of diffusion probabilistic models with large datasets. Using these models, researchers have been able to generate high-resolution and diverse images. Moreover, ControlNet, an image diffusion model with additional depth guidance, has shown inherent capabilities of generating coherent and consistent views. The paper also discusses the challenges of editing NeRF scenes and how current solutions provide a limited range of capabilities. Lastly, generative NeRF editing is considered, showing that there's a growing interest in modifying existing NeRF scenes by applying generative 3D models.


The proposed SIGNeRF pipeline comprises several stages, starting with the training of an original NeRF scene. Upon selecting the 3D region to edit, reference cameras are placed, and corresponding color, depth, and mask images are rendered and arranged into image grids. ControlNet processes these grids to produce a reference sheet, which is then used to iteratively update images in the NeRF dataset to ensure multi-view consistency. The editing is fine-tuned by introducing two selection methods in the scene space: a mesh proxy and a bounding box selection mode. An optional second iteration can be performed if necessary, and due to the modular pipeline, individual components can be fine-tuned or exchanged easily.

Outcomes and Comparison

The SIGNeRF pipeline yields superior results in object generation and editing with consistent style across all views. When compared to existing methods such as Instruct-NeRF2NeRF and DreamEditor, SIGNeRF demonstrates improved performance in terms of scene preservation, selection precision, and generation quality. Notably, it enables more complex object edits and can preview edits before generating the complete updated image set. It also outperforms in terms of generation speed, taking half as much time as other methods. Quantitative evaluations using CLIP text-to-image directional similarity and metrics such as PSNR and SSIM indicate SIGNeRF's advantages in preserving unedited parts of the scene and achieving higher fidelity to the text prompts. However, the method has limitations, such as reduced edit quality for objects far from the camera and challenges in editing off-center objects or extensive scene modifications.


SIGNeRF presents a breakthrough in scene-integrated editing for NeRF scenes, offering a fast, controllable, and customizable approach to 3D generation. It leads to more consistent edits in single runs, optimizes the process compared to current editing methods, and provides an initial preview to users. Although focused on NeRF, the modularity of SIGNeRF enables adaptation to other 3D scene representations. Despite potential misuses of technology in creating convincing forgeries, the authors hope SIGNeRF will further democratize 3D content generation, ultimately benefiting the broader field.

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