Emergent Mind


Personalized PageRank (PPR) is an extensively studied and applied node proximity measure in graphs. For a pair of nodes $s$ and $t$ on a graph $G=(V,E)$, the PPR value $\pi(s,t)$ is defined as the probability that an $\alpha$-discounted random walk from $s$ terminates at $t$, where the walk terminates with probability $\alpha$ at each step. We study the classic Single-Source PPR query, which asks for PPR approximations from a given source node $s$ to all nodes in the graph. Specifically, we aim to provide approximations with absolute error guarantees, ensuring that the resultant PPR estimates $\hat{\pi}(s,t)$ satisfy $\max{t\in V}\big|\hat{\pi}(s,t)-\pi(s,t)\big|\le\varepsilon$ for a given error bound $\varepsilon$. We propose an algorithm that achieves this with high probability, with an expected running time of - $\widetilde{O}\big(\sqrt{m}/\varepsilon\big)$ for directed graphs, where $m=|E|$; - $\widetilde{O}\big(\sqrt{d{\mathrm{max}}}/\varepsilon\big)$ for undirected graphs, where $d{\mathrm{max}}$ is the maximum node degree in the graph; - $\widetilde{O}\left(n{\gamma-1/2}/\varepsilon\right)$ for power-law graphs, where $n=|V|$ and $\gamma\in\left(\frac{1}{2},1\right)$ is the extent of the power law. These sublinear bounds improve upon existing results. We also study the case when degree-normalized absolute error guarantees are desired, requiring $\max{t\in V}\big|\hat{\pi}(s,t)/d(t)-\pi(s,t)/d(t)\big|\le\varepsilond$ for a given error bound $\varepsilond$, where the graph is undirected and $d(t)$ is the degree of node $t$. We give an algorithm that provides this error guarantee with high probability, achieving an expected complexity of $\widetilde{O}\left(\sqrt{\sum{t\in V}\pi(s,t)/d(t)}\big/\varepsilond\right)$. This improves over the previously known $O(1/\varepsilon_d)$ complexity.

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