Emergent Mind


Network epidemic simulation holds the promise of enabling fine-grained understanding of epidemic behavior, beyond that which is possible with coarse-grained compartmental models. Key inputs to these epidemic simulations are the networks themselves. However, empirical measurements and samples of realistic interaction networks typically display properties that are challenging to capture with popular synthetic models of networks. Our empirical results show that epidemic spread behavior is very sensitive to a subtle but ubiquitous form of multi-scale local structure that is not present in common baseline models, including (but not limited to) uniform random graph models (Erdos-Renyi), random configuration models (Chung-Lu), etc. Such structure is not necessary to reproduce very simple network statistics, such as degree distributions or triangle closing probabilities. However, we show that this multi-scale local structure impacts, critically, the behavior of more complex network properties, in particular the effect of interventions such as quarantining; and it enables epidemic spread to be halted in realistic interaction networks, even when it cannot be halted in simple synthetic models. Key insights from our analysis include how epidemics on networks with widespread multi-scale local structure are easier to mitigate, as well as characterizing which nodes are ultimately not likely to be infected. We demonstrate that this structure results from more than just local triangle structure in the network, and we illustrate processes based on homophily or social influence and random walks that suggest how this multi-scale local structure arises.

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