Emergent Mind

DreamGaussian4D: Generative 4D Gaussian Splatting

Published Dec 28, 2023 in cs.CV and cs.GR


4D content generation has achieved remarkable progress recently. However, existing methods suffer from long optimization times, a lack of motion controllability, and a low quality of details. In this paper, we introduce DreamGaussian4D (DG4D), an efficient 4D generation framework that builds on Gaussian Splatting (GS). Our key insight is that combining explicit modeling of spatial transformations with static GS makes an efficient and powerful representation for 4D generation. Moreover, video generation methods have the potential to offer valuable spatial-temporal priors, enhancing the high-quality 4D generation. Specifically, we propose an integral framework with two major modules: 1) Image-to-4D GS - we initially generate static GS with DreamGaussianHD, followed by HexPlane-based dynamic generation with Gaussian deformation; and 2) Video-to-Video Texture Refinement - we refine the generated UV-space texture maps and meanwhile enhance their temporal consistency by utilizing a pre-trained image-to-video diffusion model. Notably, DG4D reduces the optimization time from several hours to just a few minutes, allows the generated 3D motion to be visually controlled, and produces animated meshes that can be realistically rendered in 3D engines.


  • DreamGaussian4D introduces a new framework for dynamic 4D scene generation, significantly reducing optimization time.

  • The process is divided into three stages: static generation, dynamic generation, and texture refinement.

  • DreamGaussian4D improves unseen area quality in 3D models and increases motion control in animated content.

  • The framework generates detailed and refined meshes quickly, suitable for real-world applications.

  • DreamGaussian4D represents a significant advancement in controllable 4D content creation for animation, gaming, and VR.

Introduction to 4D Content Generation

The generation of digital content has advanced tremendously, with 2D images, 3D scenes, and even dynamic 4D (3D plus time) models now being created by various generative models. Historically, methods for creating 4D content have been plagued with long processing times and limited control over motion. A new approach, termed DreamGaussian4D, introduces an efficient framework for quickly generating dynamic 4D scenes using a technique called 4D Gaussian Splatting, which reduces the time for optimization from hours to minutes and also allows for more controllable and detailed animated content.

DreamGaussian4D Framework

In the DreamGaussian4D framework, the process of 4D content generation is broken down into three stages:

Static Generation

The first stage leverages improved practices called DreamGaussianHD to create a static 3D Gaussian Splatting (GS) model from an input image. By using multi-view optimization and setting a fixed background color, the quality of unseen areas in the 3D model is significantly enhanced.

Dynamic Generation

The second stage involves generating a driving video from the input image using an image-to-video diffusion model. This driving video then guides the optimization of a time-dependent deformation field that acts on the static 3D GS model. The innovation here is the use of an explicit video representation to drive motion, rather than just relying on still images, which yields better motion control and diversity.

Texture Refinement

In the final stage, the 4D GS is converted into an animated mesh sequence. Texture maps for each frame are then refined using a video-to-video pipeline to ensure temporal coherence, preventing issues like flickering between frames. This refinement stage enhances the visual quality of the animated meshes and also facilities their use in real-world applications.

Performance and Contributions

DreamGaussian4D substantially speeds up the generation process, creating 4D content within minutes as opposed to the hours required by previous methods. Additionally, it allows for more flexible manipulation of the generated motion and produces detailed and refined meshes that can be rendered efficiently. It also adopts deformable Gaussian Splatting for its speed and quality benefits in dynamic representations.

The paper's contributions include the employment of deformable Gaussian Splatting for representation in 4D content generation, a framework designed for image-to-4D that enhances control and diversity of motion, and a strategy for refining video textures to improve quality and facilitate deployment in practical settings.


By presenting DreamGaussian4D, a significant step forward has been made in the realm of 4D content generation. This method not only provides significant improvements in speed and detail but also opens up new possibilities for controlling and animating digital models in three dimensions over time, presenting exciting opportunities for applications in animation, gaming, and virtual reality.


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