Emergent Mind

Unique Triangulated 1-Planar Graphs

Published Dec 25, 2023 in cs.DM


It is well-known that every 3-connected planar graph has a unique planar embedding on the sphere. We study the extension to triangulated 1-planar graphs, T1P graphs for short, which admit an embedding in which each edge is crossed at most once and each face is a triangle, and obtain an algorithmic solution by a cubic time recognition algorithm that also counts the number of T1P embeddings. In particular, we show that every triangulated planar graph has a unique T1P embedding, although it may admit many 1-planar embeddings, and that any 6-connected T1P graph has a unique 1-planar embedding, except for full generalized two-stars that admit two or eight 1-planar embeddings. Our algorithm extends, refines, and corrects a previous recognition algorithm by Chen, Grigni and Papadimitiou (``Recognizing Hole-Free 4-Map Graphs in Cubic Time'', Algorithmica 45 (2006)).

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