Emergent Mind


Instruction tuning is a standard technique employed to align LLMs to end tasks and user preferences after the initial pretraining phase. Recent research indicates the critical role of data engineering in instruction tuning -- when appropriately selected, only limited data is necessary to achieve superior performance. However, we still lack a principled understanding of what makes good instruction tuning data for alignment, and how we should select data automatically and effectively. In this work, we delve deeply into automatic data selection strategies for alignment. We start with controlled studies to measure data across three dimensions: complexity, quality, and diversity, along which we examine existing methods and introduce novel techniques for enhanced data measurement. Subsequently, we propose a simple strategy to select data samples based on the measurement. We present deita (short for Data-Efficient Instruction Tuning for Alignment), a series of models fine-tuned from LLaMA and Mistral models using data samples automatically selected with our proposed approach. Empirically, deita performs better or on par with the state-of-the-art open-source alignment models with only 6K SFT training data samples -- over 10x less than the data used in the baselines. When further trained with direct preference optimization (DPO), deita-Mistral-7B + DPO trained with 6K SFT and 10K DPO samples achieve 7.55 MT-Bench and 90.06% AlpacaEval scores. We anticipate this work to provide tools on automatic data selection, facilitating data-efficient alignment. We release our models as well as the selected datasets for future researches to effectively align models more efficiently.

Data selection approach measuring complexity, quality, diversity, using evolution-based method for sample collection.


  • The paper explores data selection techniques for fine-tuning LLMs and introduces new methods to measure data quality for effective instruction tuning.

  • Controlled experiments are conducted to assess the impact of data complexity and quality on the performance of LLMs, and new metrics are established using these results.

  • New methods such as 'Evol-Complexity' and 'Evol-Quality' are presented, aiming to evolve instruction samples for better complexity measurement and enhance response quality iteratively.

  • 'Repr Filter' is proposed for maintaining diversity in datasets, proving to enhance model alignment by including diverse samples in the training set.

  • The Data-Efficient Instruction Tuning (DEITA) approach achieves high alignment performance with fewer samples, demonstrating the importance of sophisticated data selection.

Data Selection for Model Alignment


The process of improving LLMs often involves instruction tuning, where the model is fine-tuned using specific datasets post-pretraining. A pivotal facet of instruction tuning efficacy is the selection of appropriate data. Although data engineering's significance is acknowledged, a systematic method for identifying optimal instruction tuning data remains undefined. This paper explores data selection techniques, conducting controlled experiments and developing new metrics for appraising data with the aim of enhancing instruction tuning performance.

Measuring Data for Alignment

In the context of data selection, the research measures data qualities through controlled experiments, addressing complexity, quality, and diversity. Data scoring involves evaluating samples across these dimensions, allowing for data selection strategies to be formed based on these scores. Benchmarks are established using multiple datasets, revealing insights into the impact of complexity and quality variance on model performance.

Complexity and Data Selection

Complexity is often associated with better instruction tuning outcomes. Methods such as "Evol-Complexity" were introduced, leveraging LLMs like ChatGPT for scoring complexity by evolving a set of instruction samples and addressing fine-grained complexity differences. The results showed the robustness of this method in diverse datasets, with superior performance in both high and lower-quality settings.

Quality Assessment

Quality in data is crucial, especially when available data pools exhibit considerable variance in sample quality. "Evol-Quality" is developed, prompting ChatGPT to enhance response quality iteratively. This method, like Evol-Complexity, emphasizes the importance of nuanced scoring, showing a consistent improvement in alignment performance, particularly in datasets with a high incidence of low-quality examples.

Diversity of Data

Acknowledging that a proficient LLM should handle diverse requests, a selection strategy is formulated to ensure dataset diversity while maintaining complexity and quality. An iterative embedding-based strategy, "Repr Filter," is proposed, which prioritizes the addition of diverse samples to the training set. This method triumphs over other strategies by contributing to superior model alignment.

Data-Efficient Instruction Tuning (DEITA)

DEITA encompasses models fine-tuned with data carefully selected for complexity, quality, and diversity. The proposed score-first, diversity-aware selection strategy significantly reduces the number of samples required for effective alignment. DEITA models, based on preexisting LLMs, reach or surpass the alignment performance of models trained with much larger datasets, underlining the efficacy of the sophisticated data selection and reduced computational expenditure.

Experimentation and Findings

Estensive experimentation with models based on different LLM architectures demonstrates that DEITA models outperform other instruction tuning models aligned solely with supervision. Even when compared with models undergoing reinforcement learning with human feedback, DEITA shows commendable performance, particularly when direct preference optimization is applied post-supervision.


This work establishes clear methodologies for ascertaining what constitutes "good data" for model alignment through instruction tuning. The creation of DEITA and its associated models is a step towards more data-efficient alignment. These models and selected datasets have been released to further research efforts in model efficiency and productivity.

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