Emergent Mind


The challenges inherent to long-horizon tasks in robotics persist due to the typical inefficient exploration and sparse rewards in traditional reinforcement learning approaches. To alleviate these challenges, we introduce a novel algorithm, Variational Autoencoder-based Subgoal Inference (VAESI), to accomplish long-horizon tasks through a divide-and-conquer manner. VAESI consists of three components: a Variational Autoencoder (VAE)-based Subgoal Generator, a Hindsight Sampler, and a Value Selector. The VAE-based Subgoal Generator draws inspiration from the human capacity to infer subgoals and reason about the final goal in the context of these subgoals. It is composed of an explicit encoder model, engineered to generate subgoals, and an implicit decoder model, designed to enhance the quality of the generated subgoals by predicting the final goal. Additionally, the Hindsight Sampler selects valid subgoals from an offline dataset to enhance the feasibility of the generated subgoals. The Value Selector utilizes the value function in reinforcement learning to filter the optimal subgoals from subgoal candidates. To validate our method, we conduct several long-horizon tasks in both simulation and the real world, including one locomotion task and three manipulation tasks. The obtained quantitative and qualitative data indicate that our approach achieves promising performance compared to other baseline methods. These experimental results can be seen in the website \url{https://sites.google.com/view/vaesi/home}.

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