Emergent Mind


In China's Greater Bay Area (Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao), the increasing use of Blockchain technology in financial services has the potential to generate benefits for many stakeholders. Blockchains are known for their distinctive features, such as decentralized architecture, tamper-proof data structures, and traceable transactions. These features make Blockchain a preferred choice of platform for developing applications in financial service areas. Meanwhile, some questions have been raised regarding Blockchain's suitability to compete with or even replace existing financial systems. This paper provides insights into the current progress of Blockchain applications in insurance, banking, payments, asset trading, loans, remittances, the Internet of Things (IoT) for the finance industry, financial inclusions, and enterprise-level interaction in finance and governance. We review the barriers to widespread Blockchain adoption, especially the risks when transaction fees dominate mining rewards. By comparing the emerging Blockchain technologies and incentive issues related to real-world applications, we hope that this paper can serve as a valuable source of reference for Blockchain researchers and developers in financial service areas.

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