Emergent Mind

A Group Fairness Lens for Large Language Models

Published Dec 24, 2023 in cs.CL


The rapid advancement of LLMs has revolutionized various applications but also raised crucial concerns about their potential to perpetuate biases and unfairness when deployed in social media contexts. Evaluating LLMs' potential biases and fairness has become crucial, as existing methods rely on limited prompts focusing on just a few groups, lacking a comprehensive categorical perspective. In this paper, we propose evaluating LLM biases from a group fairness lens using a novel hierarchical schema characterizing diverse social groups. Specifically, we construct a dataset, GFair, encapsulating target-attribute combinations across multiple dimensions. In addition, we introduce statement organization, a new open-ended text generation task, to uncover complex biases in LLMs. Extensive evaluations of popular LLMs reveal inherent safety concerns. To mitigate the biases of LLM from a group fairness perspective, we pioneer a novel chain-of-thought method GF-Think to mitigate biases of LLMs from a group fairness perspective. Experimental results demonstrate its efficacy in mitigating bias in LLMs to achieve fairness.

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