Emergent Mind

On Safety and Liveness Filtering Using Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability Analysis

Published Dec 23, 2023 in cs.RO , cs.SY , and eess.SY


Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) reachability-based filtering provides a powerful framework to co-optimize performance and safety (or liveness) for autonomous systems. Under this filtering scheme, a nominal controller is minimally modified to ensure system safety or liveness. However, the resulting controllers can exhibit abrupt switching and bang-bang behavior, which is not suitable for applications of autonomous systems in the real world. This work presents a novel, unifying framework to design safety and liveness filters through reachability analysis. We explicitly characterize the maximal set of control inputs that ensures safety (or liveness) at a given state. Different safety filters can then be constructed using different subsets of this maximal set along with a projection operator to modify the nominal controller. We use the proposed framework to design three safety filters, each balancing performance, computation time, and smoothness differently. The proposed filters can easily handle dynamics uncertainties, disturbances, and bounded control inputs. We highlight their relative strengths and limitations by applying these filters to autonomous navigation and rocket landing scenarios and on a physical robot testbed. We also discuss practical aspects associated with implementing these filters on real-world autonomous systems. Our research advances the understanding and potential application of reachability-based controllers on real-world autonomous systems.

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