Emergent Mind

Toward Rapid Bug Resolution for Android Apps

Published Dec 23, 2023 in cs.SE and cs.IR


Bug reports document unexpected behaviors in software, enabling developers to understand, validate, and fix bugs. Unfortunately, a significant portion of bug reports is of low quality, which poses challenges for developers in terms of addressing these issues. Prior research has delved into the information needed for documenting high-quality bug reports and expediting bug report management. Furthermore, researchers have explored the challenges associated with bug report management and proposed various automated techniques. Nevertheless, these techniques exhibit several limitations, including a lexical gap between developers and reporters, difficulties in bug reproduction, and identifying bug locations. Therefore, there is a pressing need for additional efforts to effectively manage bug reports and enhance the quality of both desktop and mobile applications. In this paper, we describe the existing limitations of bug reports and identify potential strategies for addressing them. Our vision encompasses a future where the alleviation of these limitations and successful execution of our proposed new research directions can benefit both reporters and developers, ultimately making the entire software maintenance faster.

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