Emergent Mind


Lowering the memory requirement in full-parameter training on large models has become a hot research area. MeZO fine-tunes the LLMs by just forward passes in a zeroth-order SGD optimizer (ZO-SGD), demonstrating excellent performance with the same GPU memory usage as inference. However, the simulated perturbation stochastic approximation for gradient estimate in MeZO leads to severe oscillations and incurs a substantial time overhead. Moreover, without momentum regularization, MeZO shows severe over-fitting problems. Lastly, the perturbation-irrelevant momentum on ZO-SGD does not improve the convergence rate. This study proposes ZO-AdaMU to resolve the above problems by adapting the simulated perturbation with momentum in its stochastic approximation. Unlike existing adaptive momentum methods, we relocate momentum on simulated perturbation in stochastic gradient approximation. Our convergence analysis and experiments prove this is a better way to improve convergence stability and rate in ZO-SGD. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ZO-AdaMU yields better generalization for LLMs fine-tuning across various NLP tasks than MeZO and its momentum variants.

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