Emergent Mind

SAVAE: Leveraging the variational Bayes autoencoder for survival analysis

Published Dec 22, 2023 in cs.LG and stat.ML


As in many fields of medical research, survival analysis has witnessed a growing interest in the application of deep learning techniques to model complex, high-dimensional, heterogeneous, incomplete, and censored medical data. Current methods often make assumptions about the relations between data that may not be valid in practice. In response, we introduce SAVAE (Survival Analysis Variational Autoencoder), a novel approach based on Variational Autoencoders. SAVAE contributes significantly to the field by introducing a tailored ELBO formulation for survival analysis, supporting various parametric distributions for covariates and survival time (as long as the log-likelihood is differentiable). It offers a general method that consistently performs well on various metrics, demonstrating robustness and stability through different experiments. Our proposal effectively estimates time-to-event, accounting for censoring, covariate interactions, and time-varying risk associations. We validate our model in diverse datasets, including genomic, clinical, and demographic data, with varying levels of censoring. This approach demonstrates competitive performance compared to state-of-the-art techniques, as assessed by the Concordance Index and the Integrated Brier Score. SAVAE also offers an interpretable model that parametrically models covariates and time. Moreover, its generative architecture facilitates further applications such as clustering, data imputation, and the generation of synthetic patient data through latent space inference from survival data.

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