Emergent Mind

Machine learning for structure-guided materials and process design

Published Dec 22, 2023 in cond-mat.mtrl-sci and cs.LG


In recent years, there has been a growing interest in accelerated materials innovation in both, research and industry. However, to truly add value to the development of new advanced materials, it is inevitable to take into account manufacturing processes and thereby tailor materials design approaches to support downstream process design approaches. As a major step into this direction, we present a holistic optimization approach that covers the entire materials process-structure-property chain. Our approach specifically employs machine learning techniques to address two critical identification problems. The first is to solve a materials design problem, which involves identifying near-optimal material structures that exhibit desired macroscopic properties. The second is to solve a process design problem that is to find an optimal processing path to manufacture these material structures. Both identification problems are typically ill-posed, which presents a significant challenge for solution approaches. However, the non-unique nature of these problems also offers an important advantage for processing: By having several target structures that perform similarly well, the corresponding processes can be efficiently guided towards manufacturing the best reachable structure. In particular, we apply deep reinforcement learning for process design in combination with a multi-task learning-based optimization approach for materials design. The functionality of the approach will be demonstrated by using it to manufacture crystallographic textures with desired properties in a metal forming process.

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