Emergent Mind

PUMA: Efficient Continual Graph Learning with Graph Condensation

Published Dec 22, 2023 in cs.LG


When handling streaming graphs, existing graph representation learning models encounter a catastrophic forgetting problem, where previously learned knowledge of these models is easily overwritten when learning with newly incoming graphs. In response, Continual Graph Learning emerges as a novel paradigm enabling graph representation learning from static to streaming graphs. Our prior work, CaT is a replay-based framework with a balanced continual learning procedure, which designs a small yet effective memory bank for replaying data by condensing incoming graphs. Although the CaT alleviates the catastrophic forgetting problem, there exist three issues: (1) The graph condensation algorithm derived in CaT only focuses on labelled nodes while neglecting abundant information carried by unlabelled nodes; (2) The continual training scheme of the CaT overemphasises on the previously learned knowledge, limiting the model capacity to learn from newly added memories; (3) Both the condensation process and replaying process of the CaT are time-consuming. In this paper, we propose a psudo-label guided memory bank (PUMA) CGL framework, extending from the CaT to enhance its efficiency and effectiveness by overcoming the above-mentioned weaknesses and limits. To fully exploit the information in a graph, PUMA expands the coverage of nodes during graph condensation with both labelled and unlabelled nodes. Furthermore, a training-from-scratch strategy is proposed to upgrade the previous continual learning scheme for a balanced training between the historical and the new graphs. Besides, PUMA uses a one-time prorogation and wide graph encoders to accelerate the graph condensation and the graph encoding process in the training stage to improve the efficiency of the whole framework. Extensive experiments on four datasets demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance and efficiency over existing methods.

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