Emergent Mind

Asynchronous Entanglement Routing for the Quantum Internet

Published Dec 21, 2023 in cs.NI and quant-ph


With the emergence of the Quantum Internet, the need for advanced quantum networking techniques has significantly risen. Various models of quantum repeaters have been presented, each delineating a unique strategy to ensure quantum communication over long distances. We focus on repeaters that employ entanglement generation and swapping. This revolves around establishing remote end-to-end entanglement through repeaters, a concept we denote as the "quantum-native" repeaters (also called "first-generation" repeaters in some literature). The challenges in routing with quantum-native repeaters arise from probabilistic entanglement generation and restricted coherence time. Current approaches use synchronized time slots to search for entanglement-swapping paths, resulting in inefficiencies. Here, we propose a new set of asynchronous routing protocols for quantum networks by incorporating the idea of maintaining a dynamic topology in a distributed manner, which has been extensively studied in classical routing for lossy networks, such as using a destination-oriented directed acyclic graph (DODAG) or a spanning tree. The protocols update the entanglement-link topology asynchronously, identify optimal entanglement-swapping paths, and preserve unused direct-link entanglements. Our results indicate that asynchronous protocols achieve a larger upper bound with an appropriate setting and significantly higher entanglement rate than existing synchronous approaches, and the rate increases with coherence time, suggesting that it will have a much more profound impact on quantum networks as technology advances.

Entanglement rate vs. distance for different protocols, including synchronous and asynchronous performances across parameters.


  • The paper explores asynchronous routing protocols, specifically DODAG and Distributed Spanning Tree, for the Quantum Internet to overcome inefficiencies inherent in synchronous methods.

  • Key findings indicate that asynchronous protocols yield higher entanglement rates, better scalability, and robustness compared to synchronous approaches, especially as coherence time increases.

  • Future research directions include optimizing DODAG root node positions, addressing multi-user scenarios, and improving protocol resilience against malicious nodes.

Asynchronous Entanglement Routing for the Quantum Internet

The paper "Asynchronous Entanglement Routing for the Quantum Internet" by Zebo Yang, Ali Ghubaish, Raj Jain, Hassan Shapourian, and Alireza Shabani presents a comprehensive study on asynchronous routing protocols for quantum networks. With the imminent realization of the Quantum Internet, there is a pressing need for advanced quantum networking techniques. This paper addresses the inefficiencies inherent in the current synchronous routing methods, proposing a more efficient asynchronous routing alternative.

Introduction and Motivation

Quantum networks promise a myriad of applications beyond the reach of classical networks, including quantum key distribution (QKD), secure communication, clock synchronization, and distributed quantum computing. Key to the functioning of these networks over long distances are quantum repeaters, which aid in entanglement generation and swapping. Current synchronous routing approaches rely on synchronized time slots to establish entanglement-swapping paths, leading to inefficiencies. The authors present a set of asynchronous routing protocols that maintain a dynamic topology in a distributed manner, inspired by classical routing techniques used in lossy networks.

Asynchronous Routing Protocols

This paper primarily explores two asynchronous routing protocols: the Destination-Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph (DODAG) and the Distributed Spanning Tree. Both protocols aim to maintain an instant topology asynchronously, identify optimal entanglement-swapping paths, and preserve unused direct-link entanglements for future use.

DODAG Protocol

The DODAG protocol leverages control messages to maintain a tree-like structure with a root node. Each node selects its parent based on routing metrics such as link quality and node quality, which encompass factors like link capacity and the probability of successful entanglement generation and swapping. The rank value of each node increases with its distance from the root, ensuring no loops are introduced. Nodes only perform entanglement swapping when they are part of a selected path, thus avoiding unnecessary quantum resource consumption.

Distributed Spanning Tree

The Distributed Spanning Tree protocol is based on a modification of the Gallagher-Humblet-Spira (GHS) algorithm. Nodes initially form individual fragments and progressively merge based on minimum-weight outgoing edges, continually updating their fragment IDs and levels. When a direct-link entanglement decoheres, the fragments split and maintain their respective level values. This dynamic update allows the spanning tree to adapt to changing network conditions without predetermined synchronization.

Performance Analysis

The primary metric used for evaluation is the entanglement rate, representing the number of end-to-end entanglements generated per unit time. The asynchronous protocols exhibit higher entanglement rates than synchronous ones, particularly as coherence time increases. This improved performance is attributed to the preservation of unused direct-link entanglements and the dynamic maintenance of the network topology.

Simulation Results

Simulations were conducted using a 2D grid topology, comparing the performance of both DODAG and Distributed Spanning Tree protocols against synchronous methods. Results indicate that asynchronous protocols not only provide higher entanglement rates but also demonstrate greater scalability and robustness. Specifically, the entanglement rate of asynchronous routing increases with coherence time and decays more slowly than synchronous approaches. Moreover, simulations of DODAG and spanning tree protocols show similar performance, with DODAG having a slight edge.

Implications and Future Directions

The introduction of asynchronous protocols for quantum entanglement routing has significant implications for the development of the Quantum Internet. These protocols offer a scalable and efficient alternative to current synchronous methods, mitigating the constraints imposed by probabilistic entanglement generation and restricted coherence time. As quantum technologies advance and coherence times increase, these asynchronous protocols are expected to have an even more profound impact.

Future research could explore optimizing the positions of root nodes for DODAG, strategies for multiple root nodes, and the density of partitioned networks. Additionally, addressing multi-user scenarios, the use of untrusted repeaters, and the presence of malicious nodes are important avenues for future study. The authors also suggest that DODAG protocols, given their benefits and standardized application in classical low-cost wireless networks, be further developed and refined as a primary protocol for quantum networks.

In conclusion, the asynchronous routing protocols proposed in this paper present a significant advancement in quantum network routing, offering higher efficiency and better scalability compared to synchronous methods. These findings lay the groundwork for continued research and development in quantum networking, paving the way for the realization of a robust Quantum Internet.

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