Emergent Mind


Recently segment anything model (SAM) has shown powerful segmentation capability and has drawn great attention in computer vision fields. Massive following works have developed various applications based on the pretrained SAM and achieved impressive performance on downstream vision tasks. However, SAM consists of heavy architectures and requires massive computational capacity, which hinders the further application of SAM on computation constrained edge devices. To this end, in this paper we propose a framework to obtain a tiny segment anything model (TinySAM) while maintaining the strong zero-shot performance. We first propose a full-stage knowledge distillation method with hard prompt sampling and hard mask weighting strategy to distill a lightweight student model. We also adapt the post-training quantization to the promptable segmentation task and further reduce the computational cost. Moreover, a hierarchical segmenting everything strategy is proposed to accelerate the everything inference by $2\times$ with almost no performance degradation. With all these proposed methods, our TinySAM leads to orders of magnitude computational reduction and pushes the envelope for efficient segment anything task. Extensive experiments on various zero-shot transfer tasks demonstrate the significantly advantageous performance of our TinySAM against counterpart methods. Pre-trained models and codes are available at https://github.com/xinghaochen/TinySAM and https://gitee.com/mindspore/models/tree/master/research/cv/TinySAM.

TinySAM vs. FastSAM, MobileSAM, and SAM-H: fine-grained boundaries and masks, similar to SAM-H.


  • TinySAM introduces a comprehensive distillation framework, including hard prompt sampling and hard mask weighting, to optimize the efficiency of the Segment Anything Model while maintaining segmentation performance.

  • The model utilizes post-training quantization and a hierarchical segmenting strategy to further reduce computational costs and inference time, making it suitable for edge devices.

  • Experimental results demonstrate TinySAM's robustness across various datasets and tasks, such as zero-shot instance segmentation and point prompts, highlighting its practical applications in real-time image processing and autonomous systems.

Insightful Overview of "TinySAM: Pushing the Envelope for Efficient Segment Anything Model"

The paper "TinySAM: Pushing the Envelope for Efficient Segment Anything Model" addresses a crucial challenge in the deployment of Segment Anything Model (SAM) for computationally constrained edge devices. The original SAM, despite its impressive zero-shot segmentation capability, suffers from high computational requirements due to its heavyweight architecture. TinySAM presents an innovative approach to significantly reduce the computational load while maintaining competitive performance in segmentation tasks.

Methodological Contributions

TinySAM introduces several key improvements to achieve efficiency:

  1. Full-Stage Knowledge Distillation: The authors propose a comprehensive distillation framework that optimizes the student model at multiple stages. Unlike MobileSAM, which only distills the image encoder network, TinySAM includes distillation at the image embedding level, output token level, and final output level. This full-stage approach ensures that the lightweight student network captures essential features and interactions present in the teacher network.
  2. Hard Prompt Sampling and Hard Mask Weighting: To enhance the effectiveness of knowledge transfer, the paper introduces hard prompt sampling and hard mask weighting strategies. Hard prompt sampling iteratively selects more challenging points close to the object boundaries, thereby focusing the student model on difficult regions. Hard mask weighting assigns greater importance to masks where the student model's predictions significantly deviate from the teacher’s, thus guiding the learning process more effectively.
  3. Post-Training Quantization: TinySAM applies post-training quantization, reducing the bit-width of weights and activations in the model. This technique leverages hessian-guided metrics for more accurate quantization, ensuring that the quality of the segmentation is retained even as computational requirements are reduced.
  4. Hierarchical Segmenting Everything Strategy: To address the high computational cost of the "segment everything" mode in SAM, the authors propose a two-step hierarchical approach. This method initially uses a sparse set of points to identify high-confidence regions and then refines the segmentation by focusing on points in less confident areas. This strategy significantly reduces the number of points needing processing, cutting inference time by half without substantial performance degradation.

Experimental Validation

The effectiveness of TinySAM is validated through extensive experiments on several zero-shot transfer tasks, including:

  • Zero-Shot Instance Segmentation: Evaluated on COCO and LVIS datasets, TinySAM demonstrates superior performance with competitive average precision (AP) values while reducing computational costs. Specifically, TinySAM achieves a 42.3% AP on COCO with 42.0G FLOPs, outperforming MobileSAM and FastSAM in both efficiency and segmentation accuracy.
  • Points Prompt Evaluation: TinySAM consistently outperforms MobileSAM across various datasets with point-based prompts, achieving higher mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) scores. This showcases its robust performance in handling diverse segmentation prompts.
  • Everything Mode Inference: The hierarchical segmenting strategy significantly reduces inference time, as evidenced by experiments on the COCO validation set. The proposed approach maintains competitive mIoU scores while cutting latency in half compared to the original strategy.

Practical and Theoretical Implications

The advancements presented in TinySAM hold considerable practical implications. For edge devices with limited computational resources, the reduction in FLOPs and latency enables the deployment of powerful segmentation models without sacrificing performance. This enhances the feasibility of real-time image processing applications in fields such as autonomous driving, medical imaging, and augmented reality.

Theoretically, the comprehensive distillation framework and hierarchical segmentation strategy contribute to the broader field of model compression and efficient deep learning. By incorporating multi-stage distillation and adaptive prompt strategies, TinySAM provides a blueprint for future research in optimizing large-scale models for resource-constrained environments.

Future Developments

Given the promising results of TinySAM, future research could explore several avenues:

  • Adaptive Quantization Techniques: Investigating more adaptive quantization methods that dynamically adjust bit-widths based on input characteristics could further enhance performance while maintaining low computational overhead.
  • Generalization to Other Vision Tasks: Extending the TinySAM framework to other vision tasks, such as object detection and scene understanding, could leverage its efficient architecture across a broader set of applications.
  • Integration with Custom Hardware: Exploring hardware-software co-design where TinySAM is directly optimized for specific edge compute platforms could yield even greater efficiency gains.

In conclusion, "TinySAM: Pushing the Envelope for Efficient Segment Anything Model" presents a well-structured approach to significantly enhance the efficiency of segmentation models, making them suitable for edge deployment. Through innovative distillation techniques, quantization, and hierarchical inference strategies, TinySAM sets a robust precedent for future research and applications in efficient deep learning models.

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