Emergent Mind

DECO: Query-Based End-to-End Object Detection with ConvNets

Published Dec 21, 2023 in cs.CV


Detection Transformer (DETR) and its variants have shown great potential for accurate object detection in recent years. The mechanism of object query enables DETR family to directly obtain a fixed number of object predictions and streamlines the detection pipeline. Meanwhile, recent studies also reveal that with proper architecture design, convolution networks (ConvNets) also achieve competitive performance with transformers, \eg, ConvNeXt. To this end, in this paper we explore whether we could build a query-based end-to-end object detection framework with ConvNets instead of sophisticated transformer architecture. The proposed framework, \ie, Detection ConvNet (DECO), is composed of a backbone and convolutional encoder-decoder architecture. We carefully design the DECO encoder and propose a novel mechanism for our DECO decoder to perform interaction between object queries and image features via convolutional layers. We compare the proposed DECO against prior detectors on the challenging COCO benchmark. Despite its simplicity, our DECO achieves competitive performance in terms of detection accuracy and running speed. Specifically, with the ResNet-50 and ConvNeXt-Tiny backbone, DECO obtains $38.6\%$ and $40.8\%$ AP on COCO \textit{val} set with $35$ and $28$ FPS respectively and outperforms the DETR model. Incorporated with advanced multi-scale feature module, our DECO+ achieves $47.8\%$ AP with $34$ FPS. We hope the proposed DECO brings another perspective for designing object detection framework.

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