Emergent Mind

Scaling Compute Is Not All You Need for Adversarial Robustness

Published Dec 20, 2023 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and cs.CR


The last six years have witnessed significant progress in adversarially robust deep learning. As evidenced by the CIFAR-10 dataset category in RobustBench benchmark, the accuracy under $\ell_\infty$ adversarial perturbations improved from 44\% in \citet{Madry2018Towards} to 71\% in \citet{peng2023robust}. Although impressive, existing state-of-the-art is still far from satisfactory. It is further observed that best-performing models are often very large models adversarially trained by industrial labs with significant computational budgets. In this paper, we aim to understand: ``how much longer can computing power drive adversarial robustness advances?" To answer this question, we derive \emph{scaling laws for adversarial robustness} which can be extrapolated in the future to provide an estimate of how much cost we would need to pay to reach a desired level of robustness. We show that increasing the FLOPs needed for adversarial training does not bring as much advantage as it does for standard training in terms of performance improvements. Moreover, we find that some of the top-performing techniques are difficult to exactly reproduce, suggesting that they are not robust enough for minor changes in the training setup. Our analysis also uncovers potentially worthwhile directions to pursue in future research. Finally, we make our benchmarking framework (built on top of \texttt{timm}~\citep{rw2019timm}) publicly available to facilitate future analysis in efficient robust deep learning.


  • The paper argues that increasing computational power alone does not lead to significant improvements in AI adversarial robustness.

  • Adversarial training, the main method for enhancing robustness, is shown to be computationally expensive and environmentally taxing.

  • The study conducts extensive experiments with variables such as model architecture and activation functions using CIFAR-10 data.

  • Results suggest that using synthetic data could be a more efficient way to improve robustness compared to scaling compute resources.

  • Research underlines the importance of algorithmic choices and the instability of current state-of-the-art adversarial training methods.


Achieving high levels of robustness against adversarial attacks in deep learning models is a critical challenge for ensuring the security and reliability of AI systems. While many advances have been made in the field, a common approach for enhancing model performance has been to leverage substantial computing power. However, this strategy raises important questions about its effectiveness and environmental implications.

Background and Related Work

Adversarial robustness is concerned with a model's capacity to maintain accurate predictions when presented with inputs that have been intentionally perturbed to cause errors. This robustness is often evaluated in the context of a white-box threat model, where attackers have complete knowledge of the model. The prevailing technique for improving adversarial robustness is adversarial training, a robust optimization problem that inherently increases computational costs due to the need to perform additional computations on each training iteration.

Moreover, the environmental impact of the computational resources required for deep learning is becoming a significant concern due to increased energy consumption and carbon emissions. Exploring neural scaling laws—how performance changes with model, data, and computational budget scaling—has importance both in terms of technical progression and environmental sustainability.

Experimental Roadmap

In their comprehensive empirical exploration, the researchers trained numerous models using CIFAR-10 data with adversarial training methods. The study varied multiple experimental parameters, including model architecture, activation functions, number of attack steps, and the usage of synthetic data. This resulted in extensive experiments requiring thousands of GPU hours of training, and the performance was gauged using a combination of accuracy-related and efficiency-related metrics.


The findings show that simply scaling up model size, referred to as scaling compute, does not lead to proportionate improvements in adversarial robustness. In fact, scaling up compute for adversarial training is inefficient, requiring exponentially more resources for similar gains compared to standard training, making this approach potentially impractical from both a computational and environmental standpoint. Furthermore, the study indicates the importance of algorithmic choices in advancing adversarial robustness, including the use of synthetic data, training losses, and model parameters, over merely increasing the computational capacity.

In contrast, the use of synthetic data demonstrated significantly advantageous scaling laws, suggesting that generating and leveraging additional data could be a promising direction for enhancing adversarial robustness more effectively than just scaling compute.

The research also raises questions about the fragility of adversarial training methods, pointing out that state-of-the-art approaches sometimes rely on features that are not robust to minor changes in the training setup. This, alongside the challenges faced in reproducing certain published results, further emphasizes the need for the adversarial robustness community to investigate robust training setups that are less sensitive to hyperparameter variations.

Discussion and Limitations

The limitations of the study include difficulties in reproducing exact results from previous works, testing on comparatively smaller datasets, and the absence of confidence intervals. However, these challenges do not diminish the significance of the study's core message; advancements in adversarial robustness may not be sustainably driven by ever-increasing compute resources. The work calls for innovative approaches and suggests focusing on the generation and usage of synthetic data to improve adversarial training. It urges the field to move beyond the traditional paradigm and pursue more efficient methods to foster the development of robust and resilient AI systems.

Overall, this study sheds light on the nuanced relationship between computational resources and adversarial robustness, and signals towards a need for more thoughtful and efficient use of resources in the quest for secure AI.

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