Emergent Mind

Quantifying Bias in Text-to-Image Generative Models

Published Dec 20, 2023 in cs.CV and cs.CR


Bias in text-to-image (T2I) models can propagate unfair social representations and may be used to aggressively market ideas or push controversial agendas. Existing T2I model bias evaluation methods only focus on social biases. We look beyond that and instead propose an evaluation methodology to quantify general biases in T2I generative models, without any preconceived notions. We assess four state-of-the-art T2I models and compare their baseline bias characteristics to their respective variants (two for each), where certain biases have been intentionally induced. We propose three evaluation metrics to assess model biases including: (i) Distribution bias, (ii) Jaccard hallucination and (iii) Generative miss-rate. We conduct two evaluation studies, modelling biases under general, and task-oriented conditions, using a marketing scenario as the domain for the latter. We also quantify social biases to compare our findings to related works. Finally, our methodology is transferred to evaluate captioned-image datasets and measure their bias. Our approach is objective, domain-agnostic and consistently measures different forms of T2I model biases. We have developed a web application and practical implementation of what has been proposed in this work, which is at https://huggingface.co/spaces/JVice/try-before-you-bias. A video series with demonstrations is available at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk-0xyUyT0MSd_hkp4jQt1Q

Comparison of image generation biases in four T2I models under different conditions using proposed metrics.


  • The study presents a method to quantify biases in text-to-image generative models, including gender and ethnicity biases.

  • It introduces three metrics to measure bias: distribution bias, Jaccard hallucination, and generative miss-rate.

  • Uses controlled experiments with backdoor injections to show how biases can be manipulated in AI models.

  • Finds a prevalent gender bias and underrepresentation of women in the outputs from the tested T2I models.

  • Highlights the importance of fairness in AI and contributes to the development of responsible AI technologies.

Understanding Bias in Text-to-Image Generation

The Rise of Text-to-Image Models

In the realm of artificial intelligence, the capability to convert written descriptions into vivid images has been a crucial advancement. The technology behind text-to-image (T2I) generative models has reached impressive levels of sophistication, allowing for a broad range of applications, from creative art generation to marketing.

Evaluating Model Biases

However, with power comes responsibility. As these models are trained on vast amounts of internet-sourced data, they run the risk of inheriting the biases present in their training material. Such biases, whether they pertain to gender, ethnicity, or other factors, can lead to unfair or harmful representations.

Recognizing this, a new study proposes a methodology to quantify biases in T2I generative models beyond just social biases. The researchers introduce three metrics: distribution bias, which examines the frequency of generated objects; Jaccard hallucination, accounting for inaccuracies like omitted or additional objects; and generative miss-rate, assessing the alignment of generated images with input.

Controlled Experiments and Backdoor Injections

To assess biases, the researchers compared four advanced T2I models under normal conditions against variants with deliberately induced biases via backdoor injections—an increasingly concerning issue in neural networks. Backdoor attacks can subtly alter a model's output upon recognizing a specific input 'trigger'. By controlling these triggers, the study reveals the potential to manipulate and measure biases within the models.

Findings and Insights

The study's controlled experiments uncovered a distinct gender bias and an underrepresentation of women in the outputs of T2I models. Furthermore, the study showed that task-oriented conditions, such as marketing scenarios, were highly susceptible to manipulated output spaces, frequently skewing the results towards specific brands when a bias is introduced.

Broader Implications

Beyond the specifics of the T2I model bias, this study's implications are significant for the AI community. It establishes a benchmark for evaluating and recognizing bias in generative models and lays the groundwork for the creation of more responsible AI technologies.


As AI continues to integrate deeply into society, identifying, quantifying, and mitigating biases within AI systems is vital. By understanding and addressing these issues proactively, we can ensure that the benefits of AI are enjoyed equitably across society. This study represents a significant step towards achieving fairness and reliability in the rapidly evolving field of generative AI models.

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