Emergent Mind

Machine Mindset: An MBTI Exploration of Large Language Models

Published Dec 20, 2023 in cs.CL


We present a novel approach for integrating Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality traits into LLMs, addressing the challenges of personality consistency in personalized AI. Our method, "Machine Mindset," involves a two-phase fine-tuning and Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) to embed MBTI traits into LLMs. This approach ensures that models internalize these traits, offering a stable and consistent personality profile. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our models across various domains, showing alignment between model performance and their respective MBTI traits. The paper highlights significant contributions in the development of personality datasets and a new training methodology for personality integration in LLMs, enhancing the potential for personalized AI applications. We also open-sourced our model and part of the data at \url{https://github.com/PKU-YuanGroup/Machine-Mindset}.


  • The paper introduces a novel method called 'Machine Mindset' that integrates MBTI personality traits into LLMs to enhance personalization and ensure personality consistency.

  • It describes the creation of behavior and self-awareness datasets for training LLMs to align with specific MBTI traits and to accurately articulate their personality traits.

  • The methodology involves a two-phase fine-tuning process using Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA) and Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) for effective personality trait embedding.

  • Experimental results across English and Chinese models validate the approach's effectiveness, and the study highlights the potential for improved AI personalization and human-computer interaction.

Integrating MBTI Personality Traits into LLMs: A Novel Approach


In the evolving landscape of AI research, the personalization of LLMs has emerged as a notable trend, driven by the increasing demand for domain-specific and user-customized applications. The paper discusses a novel methodology termed "Machine Mindset," designed to embed Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality traits into LLMs, thereby addressing the gap in personality consistency within personalized AI configurations. This method, leveraging a combination of two-phase fine-tuning and Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), allows for the seamless integration of personality traits, ensuring that LLMs maintain a consistent personality profile across various applications.


Data Construction

The research delineates a comprehensive strategy for constructing two pivotal datasets: behavior datasets and self-awareness datasets. The behavior datasets are engineered to train LLMs to generate responses that align with specific MBTI traits. The self-awareness datasets are aimed at enabling LLMs to recognize and articulate their personality traits accurately, mirroring human self-awareness complexities.

Model Training

The training method introduced involves a two-tier supervised fine-tuning process, enhanced by Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA), and complemented by Direct Preference Optimization (DPO). This sophisticated training regime ensures efficient embedding of personal traits by enabling the model to preferentially select responses that reflect a specific personality dimension (e.g., "Feeling" over "Thinking" in the decision-making dimension).

Experimental Results

The evaluation of the trained models showcased their ability to reproducibly demonstrate personality traits corresponding to their designated MBTI types. The results spanned English and Chinese language models, affirming the approach’s versatility. Furthermore, ablation studies were conducted to dissect the influence of dataset composition on the resulting personality traits and performance, shedding light on the nuanced dynamics of dataset-driven model behavior.


The implications of the research are multifold. Practical applications range from enhancing natural language understanding to improving human-computer interaction through more personalized dialogue generation. Theoretically, the study extends our understanding of LLMs' capability to exhibit complex personality patterns, akin to humanlike behavior, thereby advancing the field of AI personalization.

Future Directions

The paper posits several avenues for future research, including refining the assessment metrics for model-evaluated personality traits and expanding the application scope to include multimodal AI systems. These directions underscore the potential for further innovation in creating LLMs that can adapt and respond with a wide array of humanlike personality traits.


The integration of MBTI personality traits into LLMs represents a significant step forward in the quest for more personalized AI systems. By meticulously constructing targeted datasets and utilizing a dual-phase training approach, the research ensures that LLMs can exhibit and maintain stable personality profiles. This advancement not only enriches the interaction quality between humans and AI but also propels the frontier of personalized LLM development, promising a future where AI systems can more deeply mirror the nuanced spectrum of human personality traits.

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