Emergent Mind


3D-aware Generative Adversarial Networks (3D-GANs) currently exhibit artifacts in their 3D geometrical modeling, such as mesh imperfections and holes. These shortcomings are primarily attributed to the limited availability of annotated 3D data, leading to a constrained "valid latent area" for satisfactory modeling. To address this, we present a Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) technique tailored as an auxiliary loss for any 3D-GAN, designed to improve its 3D geometrical modeling capabilities. Our approach pioneers an inversion technique for 3D-GANs, integrating an encoder that performs adaptive spatially-varying range operations. Utilizing this inversion, we introduce the Cyclic Generative Constraint (CGC), aiming to densify the valid latent space. The CGC operates via augmented local latent vectors that maintain the same geometric form, and it imposes constraints on the cycle path outputs, specifically the generator-encoder-generator sequence. This SSL methodology seamlessly integrates with the inherent GAN loss, ensuring the integrity of pre-existing 3D-GAN architectures without necessitating alterations. We validate our approach with comprehensive experiments across various datasets and architectures, underscoring its efficacy. Our project website: https://3dgan-ssl.github.io

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