Emergent Mind


Legal case retrieval is an information retrieval task in the legal domain, which aims to retrieve relevant cases with a given query case. Recent research of legal case retrieval mainly relies on traditional bag-of-words models and language models. Although these methods have achieved significant improvement in retrieval accuracy, there are still two challenges: (1) Legal structural information neglect. Previous neural legal case retrieval models mostly encode the unstructured raw text of case into a case representation, which causes the lack of important legal structural information in a case and leads to poor case representation; (2) Lengthy legal text limitation. When using the powerful BERT-based models, there is a limit of input text lengths, which inevitably requires to shorten the input via truncation or division with a loss of legal context information. In this paper, a graph neural networks-based legal case retrieval model, CaseGNN, is developed to tackle these challenges. To effectively utilise the legal structural information during encoding, a case is firstly converted into a Text-Attributed Case Graph (TACG), followed by a designed Edge Graph Attention Layer and a readout function to obtain the case graph representation. The CaseGNN model is optimised with a carefully designed contrastive loss with easy and hard negative sampling. Since the text attributes in the case graph come from individual sentences, the restriction of using language models is further avoided without losing the legal context. Extensive experiments have been conducted on two benchmarks from COLIEE 2022 and COLIEE 2023, which demonstrate that CaseGNN outperforms other state-of-the-art legal case retrieval methods. The code has been released on https://github.com/yanran-tang/CaseGNN.

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