Emergent Mind


Recent research demonstrates that GNNs are vulnerable to the model stealing attack, a nefarious endeavor geared towards duplicating the target model via query permissions. However, they mainly focus on node classification tasks, neglecting the potential threats entailed within the domain of graph classification tasks. Furthermore, their practicality is questionable due to unreasonable assumptions, specifically concerning the large data requirements and extensive model knowledge. To this end, we advocate following strict settings with limited real data and hard-label awareness to generate synthetic data, thereby facilitating the stealing of the target model. Specifically, following important data generation principles, we introduce three model stealing attacks to adapt to different actual scenarios: MSA-AU is inspired by active learning and emphasizes the uncertainty to enhance query value of generated samples; MSA-AD introduces diversity based on Mixup augmentation strategy to alleviate the query inefficiency issue caused by over-similar samples generated by MSA-AU; MSA-AUD combines the above two strategies to seamlessly integrate the authenticity, uncertainty, and diversity of the generated samples. Finally, extensive experiments consistently demonstrate the superiority of the proposed methods in terms of concealment, query efficiency, and stealing performance.

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