Emergent Mind

Enhancing Numeric-SAM for Learning with Few Observations

Published Dec 17, 2023 in cs.LG and cs.AI


A significant challenge in applying planning technology to real-world problems lies in obtaining a planning model that accurately represents the problem's dynamics. Numeric Safe Action Models Learning (N-SAM) is a recently proposed algorithm that addresses this challenge. It is an algorithm designed to learn the preconditions and effects of actions from observations in domains that may involve both discrete and continuous state variables. N-SAM has several attractive properties. It runs in polynomial time and is guaranteed to output an action model that is safe, in the sense that plans generated by it are applicable and will achieve their intended goals. To preserve this safety guarantee, N-SAM must observe a substantial number of examples for each action before it is included in the learned action model. We address this limitation of N-SAM and propose N-SAM, an enhanced version of N-SAM that always returns an action model where every observed action is applicable at least in some state, even if it was only observed once. N-SAM does so without compromising the safety of the returned action model. We prove that N-SAM* is optimal in terms of sample complexity compared to any other algorithm that guarantees safety. An empirical study on a set of benchmark domains shows that the action models returned by N-SAM* enable solving significantly more problems compared to the action models returned by N-SAM.

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