Emergent Mind


This paper presents a trade study analysis to design and evaluate the perception system architecture for ReachBot. ReachBot is a novel robotic concept that uses grippers at the end of deployable booms for navigation of rough terrain such as walls of caves and lava tubes. Previous studies on ReachBot have discussed the overall robot design, placement and number of deployable booms, and gripper mechanism design; however, analysis of the perception and sensing system remains underdeveloped. Because ReachBot can extend and interact with terrain over long distances on the order of several meters, a robust perception and sensing strategy is crucial to identify grasping locations and enable fully autonomous operation. This trade study focuses on developing the perception trade space and realizing such perception capabilities for a physical prototype. This work includes analysis of: (1) multiple-range sensing strategies for ReachBot, (2) sensor technologies for subsurface climbing robotics, (3) criteria for sensor evaluation, (4) positions and modalities of sensors on ReachBot, and (5) map representations of grasping locations. From our analysis, we identify the overall perception strategy and hardware configuration for a fully-instrumented case study mission to a Martian lava tube, and identify specific sensors for a hardware prototype. The final result of our trade study is a system design conducive to benchtop testing and prototype hardware development.

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