Emergent Mind


Recently, the reconstruction of high-fidelity 3D head models from static portrait image has made great progress. However, most methods require multi-view or multi-illumination information, which therefore put forward high requirements for data acquisition. In this paper, we study the reconstruction of high-fidelity 3D head models from arbitrary monocular videos. Non-rigid structure from motion (NRSFM) methods have been widely used to solve such problems according to the two-dimensional correspondence between different frames. However, the inaccurate correspondence caused by high-complex hair structures and various facial expression changes would heavily influence the reconstruction accuracy. To tackle these problems, we propose a prior-guided dynamic implicit neural network. Specifically, we design a two-part dynamic deformation field to transform the current frame space to the canonical one. We further model the head geometry in the canonical space with a learnable signed distance field (SDF) and optimize it using the volumetric rendering with the guidance of two-main head priors to improve the reconstruction accuracy and robustness. Extensive ablation studies and comparisons with state-of-the-art methods demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our proposed method.

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