Emergent Mind

RdimKD: Generic Distillation Paradigm by Dimensionality Reduction

Published Dec 14, 2023 in cs.LG and cs.CV


Knowledge Distillation (KD) emerges as one of the most promising compression technologies to run advanced deep neural networks on resource-limited devices. In order to train a small network (student) under the guidance of a large network (teacher), the intuitive method is regularizing the feature maps or logits of the student using the teacher's information. However, existing methods either over-restrict the student to learn all information from the teacher, which lead to some bad local minimum, or use various fancy and elaborate modules to process and align features, which are complex and lack generality. In this work, we proposed an abstract and general paradigm for the KD task, referred to as DIMensionality Reduction KD (RdimKD), which solely relies on dimensionality reduction, with a very minor modification to naive L2 loss. RdimKD straightforwardly utilizes a projection matrix to project both the teacher's and student's feature maps onto a low-dimensional subspace, which are then optimized during training. RdimKD achieves the goal in the simplest way that not only does the student get valuable information from the teacher, but it also ensures sufficient flexibility to adapt to the student's low-capacity reality. Our extensive empirical findings indicate the effectiveness of RdimKD across various learning tasks and diverse network architectures.

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