Emergent Mind


For a prime $p$ and a positive integer $m$, let $\mathbb{F}{pm}$ be the finite field of characteristic $p$, and $\mathfrak{R}l:=\mathbb{F}{pm}[v]/\langle vl-v\rangle$ be a non-chain ring. In this paper, we study the $(\sigma,\delta)$-cyclic codes over $\mathfrak{R}l$. Further, we study the application of these codes in finding DNA codes. Towards this, we first define a Gray map to find classical codes over $\mathbb{F}{pm}$ using codes over the ring $\mathfrak{R}l$. Later, we find the conditions for a code to be reversible and a DNA code using $(\sigma, \delta)$-cyclic code. Finally, this algebraic method provides many classical and DNA codes of better parameters.

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