Emergent Mind

BESTMVQA: A Benchmark Evaluation System for Medical Visual Question Answering

Published Dec 13, 2023 in cs.AI and cs.CL


Medical Visual Question Answering (Med-VQA) is a very important task in healthcare industry, which answers a natural language question with a medical image. Existing VQA techniques in information systems can be directly applied to solving the task. However, they often suffer from (i) the data insufficient problem, which makes it difficult to train the state of the arts (SOTAs) for the domain-specific task, and (ii) the reproducibility problem, that many existing models have not been thoroughly evaluated in a unified experimental setup. To address these issues, this paper develops a Benchmark Evaluation SysTem for Medical Visual Question Answering, denoted by BESTMVQA. Given self-collected clinical data, our system provides a useful tool for users to automatically build Med-VQA datasets, which helps overcoming the data insufficient problem. Users also can conveniently select a wide spectrum of SOTA models from our model library to perform a comprehensive empirical study. With simple configurations, our system automatically trains and evaluates the selected models over a benchmark dataset, and reports the comprehensive results for users to develop new techniques or perform medical practice. Limitations of existing work are overcome (i) by the data generation tool, which automatically constructs new datasets from unstructured clinical data, and (ii) by evaluating SOTAs on benchmark datasets in a unified experimental setup. The demonstration video of our system can be found at https://youtu.be/QkEeFlu1x4A. Our code and data will be available soon.

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