Emergent Mind

Go beyond End-to-End Training: Boosting Greedy Local Learning with Context Supply

Published Dec 12, 2023 in cs.LG , cs.CV , and stat.ML


Traditional end-to-end (E2E) training of deep networks necessitates storing intermediate activations for back-propagation, resulting in a large memory footprint on GPUs and restricted model parallelization. As an alternative, greedy local learning partitions the network into gradient-isolated modules and trains supervisely based on local preliminary losses, thereby providing asynchronous and parallel training methods that substantially reduce memory cost. However, empirical experiments reveal that as the number of segmentations of the gradient-isolated module increases, the performance of the local learning scheme degrades substantially, severely limiting its expansibility. To avoid this issue, we theoretically analyze the greedy local learning from the standpoint of information theory and propose a ContSup scheme, which incorporates context supply between isolated modules to compensate for information loss. Experiments on benchmark datasets (i.e. CIFAR, SVHN, STL-10) achieve SOTA results and indicate that our proposed method can significantly improve the performance of greedy local learning with minimal memory and computational overhead, allowing for the boost of the number of isolated modules. Our codes are available at https://github.com/Tab-ct/ContSup.

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