Emergent Mind


Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) has been broadly applied to various domains, including Large Language Model (LLM) optimization and Robotics learning, etc. However, PPO is limited by a fixed setting for the clipping bound. Specifically, there is no theoretical proof that the optimal clipping bound remains consistent throughout the entire training process. Truncating the ratio of the new and old policies with a unique clipping bound ensures stable training and can achieve the best training performance. Additionally, previous research suggests that a fixed clipping bound limits the agent's exploration. Therefore, researching a dynamical clipping bound to enhance PPO's performance can be highly beneficial. Different from previous clipping approaches, we consider increasing the maximum cumulative Return in reinforcement learning (RL) tasks as the preference of the RL task, and propose a bi-level proximal policy optimization paradigm, which involves not only optimizing the policy but also dynamically adjusting the clipping bound to reflect the preference of the RL tasks to further elevate the training outcomes and stability of PPO. Based on this bi-level proximal policy optimization paradigm, we introduce a new algorithm named Preference based Proximal Policy Optimization (Pb-PPO). This algorithm utilizes a multi-armed bandit algorithm to reflect RL preferences (we also validate that such approach can be utilized to reflect human preference), recommending the optimal clipping bound for PPO in each epoch, thereby achieving more stable and better training outcomes.


  • The paper discusses Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), an RL method for efficiently updating policies within a ‘safe’ region.

  • It introduces a new method, Adaptive-PPO, which dynamically adjusts the clipping bounds based on the Upper Confidence Bound strategy.

  • Importance sampling and Markov Decision Process frameworks are discussed in relevance to on-policy and off-policy learning.

  • Adaptive-PPO is shown to outperform standard PPO in high-dimensional continuous control tasks and complex environments.

  • The study concludes that dynamically adjusting the PPO clipping bounds improves efficiency and performance, with suggestions for future research.

Introduction to Proximal Policy Optimization

Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a subset of Machine Learning where an agent learns to make decisions by performing actions in an environment to maximize some notion of cumulative reward. Two common paradigms in RL involve, firstly, learning Q-networks and updating the policy network, and secondly, using policy gradients to directly update the policy. Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) is a technique under the second paradigm that aims to improve policy sample efficiency and ease of deployment compared to its predecessor, Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO). PPO accomplishes this by keeping policy updates within a predefined surrogate trust region, using something called a clipping bound to prevent the new policy from deviating too much from the old one.

Dynamic Clipping in Policy Updates

However, the fixed setting of the surrogate trust region in PPO may limit its adaptability, as there's no solid evidence that a single optimal clipping bound fits all stages of training. Consequently, there is a push to explore dynamic clipping bounds to enhance PPO's performance. The paper introduces an adaptive method designed to modify the clipping bound dynamically throughout the training process. This approach leverages a bandit-based strategy, utilizing the Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) during online training to balance exploration and exploitation of candidate clip bounds.

Reinforcement Learning Framework

RL is formulated as a Markov Decision Process (MDP) and operates under the paradigms of on-policy and off-policy learning. Importance sampling is introduced to approximate on-policy algorithms as off-policy, which helps to maximize the use of previous data in training current policy. The paper also explains how trust region optimization works, emphasizing the importance of balancing the policy update's step size using importance sampling and KL divergence in TRPO, to ensure policy improvement without the new policy deviating excessively.

Adaptive PPO: Theory and Methodology

The paper proposes the Adaptive-PPO method and provides a detailed theoretical underpinning of its approach. It uses UCB to decide on the best clipping bounds to use during different training stages. This adaptability allows the algorithm to maintain stable and monotonic policy improvement, which can be especially beneficial in complex environments.

Empirical Results

Finally, the paper presents empirical results demonstrating the sample efficiency and performance of Adaptive-PPO compared to the standard PPO with fixed clipping bounds. The experiments conducted across various standard benchmarks, including high-dimensional continuous control tasks, reveal that Adaptive-PPO shows significant improvements, particularly in complex environments where the benefits of dynamically adjusting the trust region's clipping bound are more pronounced.

Conclusion and Future Work

In conclusion, the paper suggests that dynamic clipping provides significant benefits to the performance of PPO algorithms. While further experimentation and tuning may enhance these results, the current findings suggest that Adaptive-PPO is a promising approach to improving the efficiency and applicability of policy gradient methods in complex reinforcement learning tasks. Future work may include testing the algorithm on a wider array of tasks and further refining its implementation.

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