Emergent Mind


Recent approaches such as ControlNet offer users fine-grained spatial control over text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models. However, auxiliary modules have to be trained for each type of spatial condition, model architecture, and checkpoint, putting them at odds with the diverse intents and preferences a human designer would like to convey to the AI models during the content creation process. In this work, we present FreeControl, a training-free approach for controllable T2I generation that supports multiple conditions, architectures, and checkpoints simultaneously. FreeControl designs structure guidance to facilitate the structure alignment with a guidance image, and appearance guidance to enable the appearance sharing between images generated using the same seed. Extensive qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate the superior performance of FreeControl across a variety of pre-trained T2I models. In particular, FreeControl facilitates convenient training-free control over many different architectures and checkpoints, allows the challenging input conditions on which most of the existing training-free methods fail, and achieves competitive synthesis quality with training-based approaches.

Comparison on T2I methods: FreeControl excels in spatial control, image-text alignment, and avoids appearance leakage.


  • FreeControl presents an innovative approach to controlling text-to-image (T2I) generation without additional training, leveraging pre-trained diffusion models to facilitate control over various architectures and checkpoints.

  • The method supports a variety of input conditions such as sketches, human poses, and depth maps, using a two-stage pipeline comprising analysis and synthesis stages to ensure structural and appearance alignment in generated images.

  • Extensive experiments show that FreeControl outperforms existing training-free methods and achieves competitive performance against training-based approaches, highlighting its potential for scalable and flexible T2I generation.

FreeControl: Training-Free Spatial Control of Any Text-to-Image Diffusion Model with Any Condition


The paper, "FreeControl: Training-Free Spatial Control of Any Text-to-Image Diffusion Model with Any Condition," provides a novel solution for controllable text-to-image (T2I) generation without the necessity of additional training. By leveraging the feature space of pre-trained text-to-image diffusion models, FreeControl facilitates convenient control over various architectures and checkpoints. The approach notably supports a wide variety of input conditions, some of which challenge existing training-free methods. FreeControl achieves competitive synthesis quality compared to training-based approaches.

Core Contributions

FreeControl addresses key limitations in existing methods for controllable T2I diffusion. The contributions of this work are threefold:

  1. Training-Free Control: It introduces a method that supports multiple control conditions (e.g., sketches, normal maps, depth maps, edge maps, human poses, segmentation masks, natural images, and beyond) across multiple model architectures (e.g., Stable Diffusion v1.5, v2.1, and XL 1.0) and customized checkpoints.
  2. Feature Space Utilization: The approach models the linear subspace of intermediate diffusion features, enabling the enforcement of structure and appearance alignment during the image generation process.
  3. Versatile Input Conditions: FreeControl excels at handling challenging input conditions, such as 2D projections of point clouds and meshes, which are traditionally difficult to interpret and integrate.


FreeControl operates in a two-stage pipeline: analysis and synthesis.

Analysis Stage

In this stage, the model generates several seed images using a slightly modified text prompt. Diffusion features are extracted from these images and undergo Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which results in a set of semantic bases. These bases serve as a consistent representation of semantic structure, allowing the propagation of structural information from the guidance image to the generated image.

Synthesis Stage

The synthesis stage incorporates two types of guidance:

  1. Structure Guidance: This aligns the structural template of the generated image with the guidance image by applying forward and backward guidance terms.
  2. Appearance Guidance: This promotes appearance similarity between the generated image and a "sibling" image (generated without structural control) by minimizing differences in their feature statistics.

Experimental Results

The paper presents extensive qualitative and quantitative experiments to validate FreeControl's superior performance. The method is evaluated against a variety of baselines, including both training-based (ControlNet, T2I-Adapter) and training-free methods (SDEdit, Prompt-to-Prompt, Plug-and-Play). FreeControl consistently demonstrates:

  • Strong spatial alignment with input conditions.
  • High-quality image generation that faithfully respects text prompts.
  • Broad support for control signals not feasible with current training-based or training-free methods.

Quantitatively, FreeControl outperforms training-free baselines in structure preservation, image-text alignment, and appearance diversity (measured by Self-similarity distance, CLIP score, and LPIPS distance, respectively). It also achieves competitive performance against training-based methods, particularly in scenarios with conflicting conditions.

Implications and Future Directions

The implications of FreeControl are significant both practically and theoretically. Practically, it offers a scalable, flexible solution for controllable T2I generation across a variety of conditions and model architectures, eliminating the need for resource-intensive retraining. This capability is particularly beneficial for applications in visual content creation, including design previews and simulation-to-real translation.

Theoretically, FreeControl's innovative use of self-attention features and PCA to disentangle semantic structure and appearance provides a promising direction for further research. Future developments might explore enhanced inversion techniques to speed up inference, better handling of incomplete or ambiguous conditions, and further optimization of feature manipulation to improve precision in structural and appearance control.

In summary, FreeControl presents a robust and versatile approach to training-free spatial control in T2I models, significantly advancing the landscape of AI-driven visual content generation.


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