Emergent Mind

On the logic of interventionist counterfactuals under indeterministic causal laws

Published Dec 12, 2023 in cs.LO , math.LO , math.ST , and stat.TH


We investigate the generalization of causal models to the case of indeterministic causal laws that was suggested in Halpern (2000). We give an overview of what differences in modeling are enforced by this more general perspective, and propose an implementation of generalized models in the style of the causal team semantics of Barbero & Sandu (2020). In these models, the laws are not represented by functions (as in the deterministic case), but more generally by relations. We analyze significant differences in the axiomatization of interventionist counterfactuals in the indeterministic vs. the deterministic case, and provide strongly complete axiomatizations over the full class of indeterministic models and over its recursive subclass.

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