Emergent Mind


We present a general framework for preconditioning Hermitian positive definite linear systems based on the Bregman log determinant divergence. This divergence provides a measure of discrepancy between a preconditioner and a target matrix. Given an approximate factorisation of a target matrix, the proposed framework tells us how to construct a low-rank approximation of the typically indefinite factorisation error. The resulting preconditioner is therefore a sum of a Hermitian positive definite matrix given by an approximate factorisation plus a low-rank matrix. Notably, the low-rank term is not generally obtained as a truncated singular value decomposition. This framework leads to a new truncation where principal directions are not based on the magnitude of the singular values. We describe a procedure for determining these \emph{Bregman directions} and prove that preconditioners constructed in this way are minimisers of the aforementioned divergence. Finally, we demonstrate using several numerical examples how the proposed preconditioner performs in terms of convergence of the preconditioned conjugate gradient method (PCG). For the examples we consider, an incomplete Cholesky preconditioner can be greatly improved in this way, and in some cases only a modest low-rank compensation term is required to obtain a considerable improvement in convergence. We also consider matrices arising from interior point methods for linear programming that do not admit such an incomplete factorisation by default, and present a robust incomplete Cholesky preconditioner based on the proposed methodology. The results highlight that the choice of truncation is critical for ill-conditioned matrices. We show numerous examples where PCG converges to a small tolerance by using the proposed preconditioner, whereas PCG with a SVD-based preconditioner fails to do so.

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