Emergent Mind

Jumpstarting Surgical Computer Vision

Published Dec 10, 2023 in cs.CV


Purpose: General consensus amongst researchers and industry points to a lack of large, representative annotated datasets as the biggest obstacle to progress in the field of surgical data science. Self-supervised learning represents a solution to part of this problem, removing the reliance on annotations. However, the robustness of current self-supervised learning methods to domain shifts remains unclear, limiting our understanding of its utility for leveraging diverse sources of surgical data. Methods: In this work, we employ self-supervised learning to flexibly leverage diverse surgical datasets, thereby learning taskagnostic representations that can be used for various surgical downstream tasks. Based on this approach, to elucidate the impact of pre-training on downstream task performance, we explore 22 different pre-training dataset combinations by modulating three variables: source hospital, type of surgical procedure, and pre-training scale (number of videos). We then finetune the resulting model initializations on three diverse downstream tasks: namely, phase recognition and critical view of safety in laparoscopic cholecystectomy and phase recognition in laparoscopic hysterectomy. Results: Controlled experimentation highlights sizable boosts in performance across various tasks, datasets, and labeling budgets. However, this performance is intricately linked to the composition of the pre-training dataset, robustly proven through several study stages. Conclusion: The composition of pre-training datasets can severely affect the effectiveness of SSL methods for various downstream tasks and should critically inform future data collection efforts to scale the application of SSL methodologies. Keywords: Self-Supervised Learning, Transfer Learning, Surgical Computer Vision, Endoscopic Videos, Critical View of Safety, Phase Recognition

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