Emergent Mind

TeMO: Towards Text-Driven 3D Stylization for Multi-Object Meshes

Published Dec 7, 2023 in cs.CV


Recent progress in the text-driven 3D stylization of a single object has been considerably promoted by CLIP-based methods. However, the stylization of multi-object 3D scenes is still impeded in that the image-text pairs used for pre-training CLIP mostly consist of an object. Meanwhile, the local details of multiple objects may be susceptible to omission due to the existing supervision manner primarily relying on coarse-grained contrast of image-text pairs. To overcome these challenges, we present a novel framework, dubbed TeMO, to parse multi-object 3D scenes and edit their styles under the contrast supervision at multiple levels. We first propose a Decoupled Graph Attention (DGA) module to distinguishably reinforce the features of 3D surface points. Particularly, a cross-modal graph is constructed to align the object points accurately and noun phrases decoupled from the 3D mesh and textual description. Then, we develop a Cross-Grained Contrast (CGC) supervision system, where a fine-grained loss between the words in the textual description and the randomly rendered images are constructed to complement the coarse-grained loss. Extensive experiments show that our method can synthesize high-quality stylized content and outperform the existing methods over a wide range of multi-object 3D meshes. Our code and results will be made publicly available

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