Emergent Mind


As the most typical graph clustering method, spectral clustering is popular and attractive due to the remarkable performance, easy implementation, and strong adaptability. Classical spectral clustering measures the edge weights of graph using pairwise Euclidean-based metric, and solves the optimal graph partition by relaxing the constraints of indicator matrix and performing Laplacian decomposition. However, Euclidean-based similarity might cause skew graph cuts when handling non-spherical data distributions, and the relaxation strategy introduces information loss. Meanwhile, spectral clustering requires specifying the number of clusters, which is hard to determine without enough prior knowledge. In this work, we leverage the path-based similarity to enhance intra-cluster associations, and propose MeanCut as the objective function and greedily optimize it in degree descending order for a nondestructive graph partition. This algorithm enables the identification of arbitrary shaped clusters and is robust to noise. To reduce the computational complexity of similarity calculation, we transform optimal path search into generating the maximum spanning tree (MST), and develop a fast MST (FastMST) algorithm to further improve its time-efficiency. Moreover, we define a density gradient factor (DGF) for separating the weakly connected clusters. The validity of our algorithm is demonstrated by testifying on real-world benchmarks and application of face recognition. The source code of MeanCut is available at https://github.com/ZPGuiGroupWhu/MeanCut-Clustering.

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