Emergent Mind


Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) tries to overcome the tedious work of labeling data by leveraging a labeled source dataset and transferring its knowledge to a similar but different target dataset. On the other hand, current vision-language models exhibit astonishing zero-shot prediction capabilities. In this work, we combine knowledge gained through UDA with the inherent knowledge of vision-language models. In a first step, we generate the zero-shot predictions of the source and target dataset using the vision-language model. Since zero-shot predictions usually exhibit a large entropy, meaning that the class probabilities are rather evenly distributed, we first adjust the distribution to accentuate the winning probabilities. This is done using both source and target data to keep the relative confidence between source and target data. We then employ a conventional DA method, to gain the knowledge from the source dataset, in combination with self-knowledge distillation, to maintain the inherent knowledge of the vision-language model. We further combine our method with a gradual source domain expansion strategy (GSDE) and show that this strategy can also benefit by including zero-shot predictions. We conduct experiments and ablation studies on three benchmarks (OfficeHome, VisDA, and DomainNet) and outperform state-of-the-art methods. We further show in ablation studies the contributions of different parts of our algorithm.

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