Emergent Mind

LLM as OS, Agents as Apps: Envisioning AIOS, Agents and the AIOS-Agent Ecosystem

Published Dec 6, 2023 in cs.OS , cs.AI , cs.CL , and cs.LG


This paper envisions a revolutionary AIOS-Agent ecosystem, where Large Language Model (LLM) serves as the (Artificial) Intelligent Operating System (IOS, or AIOS)--an operating system "with soul". Upon this foundation, a diverse range of LLM-based AI Agent Applications (Agents, or AAPs) are developed, enriching the AIOS-Agent ecosystem and signaling a paradigm shift from the traditional OS-APP ecosystem. We envision that LLM's impact will not be limited to the AI application level, instead, it will in turn revolutionize the design and implementation of computer system, architecture, software, and programming language, featured by several main concepts: LLM as OS (system-level), Agents as Applications (application-level), Natural Language as Programming Interface (user-level), and Tools as Devices/Libraries (hardware/middleware-level). We begin by introducing the architecture of traditional OS. Then we formalize a conceptual framework for AIOS through "LLM as OS (LLMOS)", drawing analogies between AIOS and traditional OS: LLM is likened to OS kernel, context window to memory, external storage to file system, hardware tools to peripheral devices, software tools to programming libraries, and user prompts to user commands. Subsequently, we introduce the new AIOS-Agent Ecosystem, where users can easily program Agent Applications (AAPs) using natural language, democratizing the development of software, which is different from the traditional OS-APP ecosystem. Following this, we explore the diverse scope of Agent Applications. We delve into both single-agent and multi-agent systems, as well as human-agent interaction. Lastly, drawing on the insights from traditional OS-APP ecosystem, we propose a roadmap for the evolution of the AIOS-Agent ecosystem. This roadmap is designed to guide the future research and development, suggesting systematic progresses of AIOS and its Agent applications.

Illustration of an AI agent based on LLMOS technology.


  • The paper introduces the concept of Artificial Intelligent Operating Systems (AIOS) where LLMs serve as the core of intelligent operating systems, proposing a shift from traditional OS-APP ecosystems to AIOS-Agent ecosystems.

  • LLMOS, where LLMs are at the core, aims to enhance reasoning and planning abilities within operating systems, drawing parallels to classical computer science problems for resource allocation and synchronization.

  • It discusses the potential of LLMs to use, generate, and improve tools, expanding their ability to interact with both digital and physical environments effectively.

  • The concept of the AIOS-Agent ecosystem is highlighted as a paradigm shift in software development, promising to democratize creating applications through natural language, making development accessible to a wider audience.

Envisioning the Future of AIOS: LLMs as Operating Systems


In recent years, the development of LLMs has paved the way for significant advancements in artificial intelligence. These models have shown remarkable capabilities in understanding and generating human-like text, suggesting a potential for broader applications beyond traditional tasks. A groundbreaking paper from Rutgers University explores the concept of (Artificial) Intelligent Operating Systems (AIOS), where LLMs serve as the foundation of an intelligent operating system. This novel concept suggests a shift from the traditional OS-APP ecosystem to an AIOS-Agent ecosystem, fundamentally altering how users interact with computer systems.


The paper introduces the concept of "LLM as OS (LLMOS)," proposing a new framework that mirrors traditional Operating Systems' architecture but with LLMs at its core. This framework suggests several analogies between AIOS components and conventional OS elements, with the LLM likened to the OS kernel and other components such as context windows and external storage mirroring memory and file systems, respectively. Notably, LLMOS reimagines device management by integrating both hardware and software tools to extend the LLM's capabilities, enabling it to interact with the digital and physical world effectively.

Reasoning and Planning in LLMOS

LLMOS aims to endow LLMs with sophisticated reasoning and planning abilities, drawing inspiration from classical problems like the Dining Philosophers problem to illustrate the parallels in resource allocation and synchronization within a multi-agent ecosystem. The paper discusses several strategies for enhancing LLMs' planning capabilities, including single-path planning though Chain of Thoughts and multi-path planning with Tree of Thoughts, showcasing the potential for more advanced reasoning and creative problem-solving within LLMOS.

Tool Management

Tools in LLMOS serve as a bridge between LLMs and their operational environment, expanding their capabilities. The discussion on tool categories emphasizes the importance of software and hardware tools, with notable examples like ToolCoder and SayCan illustrating the practical applications of these tools. Furthermore, the concept of self-made tools indicates a future where LLMs can not only use tools but also generate and improve them, pushing the boundaries of autonomous problem-solving.

AIOS-Agent Ecosystem

The AIOS-Agent ecosystem envisions an environment where users and developers can effortlessly create Agent Applications (AAPs) using natural language. This ecosystem promises to democratize software development by making it accessible to a broader audience without specialized programming knowledge. The paper elucidates single and multi-agent applications, highlighting scenarios in the physical and digital worlds where agents can autonomously or collaboratively perform complex tasks, thus showcasing the practical implications of this ecosystem.

Future Research and Development

Considering the evolution of traditional operating systems, the paper outlines several future directions for AIOS, focusing on memory and tool management, communication, and security. Drawing parallels with historical OS advancements, the authors suggest innovative approaches for enhancing LLMOS's resource management capabilities, developing standardized communication protocols, and addressing security vulnerabilities. These insights present a strategic roadmap for systematic progress in AIOS and agent application research, with an emphasis on learning from the traditional OS-APP ecosystem's development trajectory.


The conceptual framework for AIOS presented in this paper signals a transformative change in the field of artificial intelligence and operating systems. By positioning LLMs as the foundational element of intelligent operating systems, the authors propose a shift towards a more interactive, intuitive, and accessible computing paradigm. This ambitious vision for AIOS not only challenges conventional computing paradigms but also opens up new avenues for innovation, collaboration, and interaction between humans and intelligent systems. The proposed roadmap for future research and development underscore the potential for AIOS to revolutionize our interaction with technology, promising a future where the boundaries between human intelligence and artificial intelligence become increasingly blurred.

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