Emergent Mind

MatterGen: a generative model for inorganic materials design

Published Dec 6, 2023 in cond-mat.mtrl-sci and cs.AI


The design of functional materials with desired properties is essential in driving technological advances in areas like energy storage, catalysis, and carbon capture. Generative models provide a new paradigm for materials design by directly generating entirely novel materials given desired property constraints. Despite recent progress, current generative models have low success rate in proposing stable crystals, or can only satisfy a very limited set of property constraints. Here, we present MatterGen, a model that generates stable, diverse inorganic materials across the periodic table and can further be fine-tuned to steer the generation towards a broad range of property constraints. To enable this, we introduce a new diffusion-based generative process that produces crystalline structures by gradually refining atom types, coordinates, and the periodic lattice. We further introduce adapter modules to enable fine-tuning towards any given property constraints with a labeled dataset. Compared to prior generative models, structures produced by MatterGen are more than twice as likely to be novel and stable, and more than 15 times closer to the local energy minimum. After fine-tuning, MatterGen successfully generates stable, novel materials with desired chemistry, symmetry, as well as mechanical, electronic and magnetic properties. Finally, we demonstrate multi-property materials design capabilities by proposing structures that have both high magnetic density and a chemical composition with low supply-chain risk. We believe that the quality of generated materials and the breadth of MatterGen's capabilities represent a major advancement towards creating a universal generative model for materials design.


  • MatterGen is a generative AI model that designs stable, inorganic materials for various technological applications.

  • The model employs a diffusion-based process to create crystalline structures with labeled dataset guidance, producing novel and energetically favorable results.

  • MatterGen has demonstrated an ability to generate materials that meet specific property goals, including magnetic density and bulk modulus.

  • It can design multi-property materials, such as rare-earth-free permanent magnets with high magnetic density but low supply chain risk.

  • The research suggests that MatterGen is a step towards a universal generative model that could revolutionize material science and technological innovation.

Understanding MatterGen: Inorganic Materials Design Through AI

Introduction to MatterGen

The innovative strides in material science have been greatly accelerated thanks to the integration of AI. A pivotal breakthrough in this domain is presented by MatterGen, a generative model tasked with designing stable, inorganic materials. This model stands out by its capacity to diversify its outputs and adhere to a vast range of property constraints, thereby paving the way for advancements in technologies spanning energy storage, catalysis, and more.

The Model's Mechanics

MatterGen utilizes a diffusion-based generative process to craft crystalline structures. In simpler terms, it refines raw, random structures by iteratively applying corrections to the atom types, coordinates, and the lattice configuration. Through the training process, MatterGen learns to conform to the specified property constraints using a dataset of labeled structures. When compared against previous models, MatterGen displays a remarkable capability to yield structures that are novel and closer to their theoretical energy minimums.

Results from MatterGen

Tests indicate that MatterGen excels at generating stable and unique materials, suggesting an impressive breadth in the exploration of the material space. Additionally, when tasked to generate materials with targeted properties, like magnetic density and bulk modulus, MatterGen has shown that it can produce results that align closely with these specific goals.

Application in Multi-Property Materials Design

One of MatterGen's significant accomplishments is the proposal of materials that possess multiple desirable traits. For instance, it generated structures with high magnetic density while also ensuring low supply chain risk, addressing a specific need for rare-earth-free permanent magnets. This ability to satisfy complex, multi-faceted design criteria is a testament to MatterGen's flexibility and precision.

Moving Forward

MatterGen marks a milestone toward the goal of a universal generative model for materials design. This advancement lays the groundwork for continuous expansion and adaptation of the model, potentially to cover an even wider range of materials and properties, which could revolutionize the field of material science and related industries. It's an exciting glimpse into a future where the discovery and design of new materials are streamlined and propelled by AI. The research reflects a significant step towards harnessing computational power for pioneering solutions to some of the most pressing technological challenges.


The role of AI models like MatterGen is rapidly becoming indispensable in the materials science landscape, serving as a bridge between theoretical possibilities and practical innovations. The continued development of such models stands to significantly accelerate the process from material conception to application, holding the promise for a more efficient and sustainable future in materials design.

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