Emergent Mind

Optimal Wildfire Escape Route Planning for Drones under Dynamic Fire and Smoke

Published Dec 6, 2023 in cs.RO and cs.AI


In recent years, the increasing prevalence and intensity of wildfires have posed significant challenges to emergency response teams. The utilization of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones, has shown promise in aiding wildfire management efforts. This work focuses on the development of an optimal wildfire escape route planning system specifically designed for drones, considering dynamic fire and smoke models. First, the location of the source of the wildfire can be well located by information fusion between UAV and satellite, and the road conditions in the vicinity of the fire can be assessed and analyzed using multi-channel remote sensing data. Second, the road network can be extracted and segmented in real time using UAV vision technology, and each road in the road network map can be given priority based on the results of road condition classification. Third, the spread model of dynamic fires calculates the new location of the fire source based on the fire intensity, wind speed and direction, and the radius increases as the wildfire spreads. Smoke is generated around the fire source to create a visual representation of a burning fire. Finally, based on the improved A* algorithm, which considers all the above factors, the UAV can quickly plan an escape route based on the starting and destination locations that avoid the location of the fire source and the area where it is spreading. By considering dynamic fire and smoke models, the proposed system enhances the safety and efficiency of drone operations in wildfire environments.


  • The paper proposes a novel system for planning optimal escape routes for drones during wildfires, utilizing Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and real-time UAV-captured images.

  • Key components of the system include dynamic fire and smoke propagation modeling and an improved A* algorithm for real-time data processing and route planning.

  • Experimental results from the Jinyun Mountain wildfire case study show the system's effectiveness in adapting to multiple fire sources and maintaining route safety and efficiency.

Optimal Wildfire Escape Route Planning for Drones under Dynamic Fire and Smoke

The paper "Optimal Wildfire Escape Route Planning for Drones under Dynamic Fire and Smoke" by Chang Liu and Tamas Sziranyi addresses the crucial need for enhancing emergency response capabilities in the face of increasingly prevalent and intense wildfires. Utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, the authors propose a novel system for planning optimal escape routes in dynamic wildfire environments, leveraging advanced data fusion and real-time processing techniques.

Abstract and Introduction

The authors introduce their work by emphasizing the growing challenges posed by wildfires and the potential of UAVs to improve management and response efforts. Specifically, the paper focuses on integrating 13-channel Sentinel-2 satellite imagery with real-time UAV-captured images to enhance situational awareness and facilitate more efficient rescue missions. By modeling dynamic fire and smoke propagation and utilizing an improved A* algorithm, the proposed system provides real-time escape route planning, thereby increasing the safety and efficiency of drone operations in wildfire scenarios.


System Framework

The system comprises several key components, including satellite and UAV data integration, road network extraction, and dynamic fire and smoke modeling. The paper's methodology section details how Sentinel-2 satellite data is used to pre-locate fire sources and how UAVs, upon reaching these areas, perform real-time road network extraction and condition assessment. These road networks are prioritized based on their condition, assigning higher priority to routes with better road conditions.

Dynamic Fire and Smoke Propagation Model

A significant contribution of this work is the incorporation of a dynamic fire and smoke propagation model. This model updates the location and spread of fire and smoke in real-time, influencing the UAV's path planning algorithm. The modified A* algorithm utilizes this model, ensuring that the escape routes planned avoid active fire and high smoke density areas, thus prioritizing safer paths.

Real-time Data Processing

The UAVs are equipped with onboard GPUs to process real-time video sequences, extract road networks using the D-LinkNet architecture, and evaluate road conditions dynamically. This processing capability enables the system to adapt quickly to changing environmental conditions, making it suitable for use in the highly volatile context of wildfires.

Experimental Results

The authors validate their system using a case study of the Jinyun Mountain wildfire in Chongqing, China. Through a series of experiments, they demonstrate the system's ability to adapt to varying numbers of fire sources and provide optimal escape routes under dynamic fire and smoke conditions. The comparative results shown in Figures 6, 7, and 8 highlight the system's efficacy in maintaining route safety and efficiency:

  • Two Fire Sources: The initial results reveal that without dynamic threats, the escape route utilizes roads in good conditions, achieving an f-value of 587.2. With fire and smoke, the algorithm adapts, resulting in a higher f-value of 24411.2 due to the necessity to avoid dangerous areas.
  • Three Fire Sources: The algorithm continues to prioritize safer, better-conditioned roads, but as fires spread, suboptimal roads must be used, increasing the f-value to 39064.2.
  • Four Fire Sources: The most complex scenario sees merging fire sources blocking several paths. The escape route must navigate significant danger zones, increasing the f-value to 14585.

Discussion and Implications

The presented system significantly enhances the ability to plan escape routes in rapidly changing wildfire scenarios by leveraging dynamic data models and real-time processing. The adoption of such systems could improve responder safety, provide more effective rescue operations, and potentially save lives by guiding people away from danger.

From a theoretical perspective, this work advances the integration of remote sensing, UAV technology, and real-time data fusion. It paves the way for future research in optimizing path planning algorithms under dynamic environmental conditions. Additionally, the authors suggest incorporating more factors into the fire and smoke spread models, such as terrain and vegetation indices, to further refine the accuracy and reliability of escape route planning.


This paper presents a robust and practical approach to managing one of the most challenging aspects of wildfire response: ensuring safe escape routes amidst dynamic fire and smoke conditions. By integrating Sentinel-2 satellite data with real-time UAV imagery and employing an improved A* algorithm, the system demonstrates notable improvements in planning efficient and safe escape routes. Future research directions include expanding the model to account for a broader range of environmental factors and applying the approach to various wildfire scenarios globally. This work stands as a valuable contribution to the field of disaster management and UAV applications.

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