Emergent Mind


In a classical scheduling problem, we are given a set of $n$ jobs of unit length along with precedence constraints, and the goal is to find a schedule of these jobs on $m$ identical machines that minimizes the makespan. Using the standard 3-field notation, it is known as $Pm|\text{prec}, pj=1|C{\max}$. Settling the complexity of $Pm|\text{prec}, pj=1|C{\max}$ even for $m=3$ machines is the last open problem from the book of Garey and Johnson [GJ79] for which both upper and lower bounds on the worst-case running times of exact algorithms solving them remain essentially unchanged since the publication of [GJ79]. We present an algorithm for this problem that runs in $(1+\frac{n}{m}){\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{nm})}$ time. This algorithm is subexponential when $m = o(n)$. In the regime of $m=\Theta(n)$ we show an algorithm that runs in$\mathcal{O}(1.997n)$ time. Before our work, even for $m=3$ machines there were no algorithms known that run in $\mathcal{O}((2-\varepsilon)n)$ time for some $\varepsilon > 0$.

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