Emergent Mind


Detecting non-termination is crucial for ensuring program correctness and security, such as preventing denial-of-service attacks. While termination analysis has been studied for many years, existing methods have limited scalability and are only effective on small programs. To address this issue, we propose a practical termination checking technique, called EndWatch, for detecting non-termination caused by infinite loops through testing. Specifically, we introduce two methods to generate non-termination oracles based on checking state revisits, i.e., if the program returns to a previously visited state at the same program location, it does not terminate. The non-termination oracles can be incorporated into testing tools (e.g., AFL used in this paper) to detect non-termination in large programs. For linear loops, we perform symbolic execution on individual loops to infer State Revisit Conditions (SRCs) and instrument SRCs into target loops. For non-linear loops, we instrument target loops for checking concrete state revisits during execution. We evaluated EndWatch on standard benchmarks with small-sized programs and real-world projects with large-sized programs. The evaluation results show that EndWatch is more effective than the state-of-the-art tools on standard benchmarks (detecting 87% of non-terminating programs while the best baseline detects only 67%), and useful in detecting non-termination in real-world projects (detecting 90% of known non-termination CVEs and 4 unknown bugs).

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