Emergent Mind

Low-Cost High-Power Membership Inference Attacks

Published Dec 6, 2023 in stat.ML , cs.CR , and cs.LG


Membership inference attacks (MIA) aim to detect if a particular data point was used in training a machine learning model. Recent strong attacks have high computational costs and inconsistent performance under varying conditions, rendering them unreliable for practical privacy risk assessment. We design a novel, efficient, and robust membership inference attack (RMIA) which accurately differentiates between population data and training data of a model, with minimal computational overhead. We achieve this by a more accurate modeling of the null hypothesis setting in our likelihood ratio tests, and effectively leveraging both reference models and reference data samples from the population. Our algorithm exhibits superior test power (true-positive rate) compared to prior methods, throughout the TPR-FPR curve including at extremely low false-positive rates (as low as 0). Under computation constraints, where only a limited number of pre-trained reference models (as few as 1) are available, and also when we vary other elements of the attack, our method performs exceptionally well, unlike some prior attacks that approach random guessing. RMIA outperforms the prior work in all configurations of the attack setup. RMIA lays the algorithmic groundwork for practical yet accurate and reliable privacy risk analysis in machine learning.

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