Emergent Mind

RotaTR: Detection Transformer for Dense and Rotated Object

Published Dec 5, 2023 in cs.CV


Detecting the objects in dense and rotated scenes is a challenging task. Recent works on this topic are mostly based on Faster RCNN or Retinanet. As they are highly dependent on the pre-set dense anchors and the NMS operation, the approach is indirect and suboptimal.The end-to-end DETR-based detectors have achieved great success in horizontal object detection and many other areas like segmentation, tracking, action recognition and etc.However, the DETR-based detectors perform poorly on dense rotated target tasks and perform worse than most modern CNN-based detectors. In this paper, we find the most significant reason for the poor performance is that the original attention can not accurately focus on the oriented targets. Accordingly, we propose Rotated object detection TRansformer (RotaTR) as an extension of DETR to oriented detection. Specifically, we design Rotation Sensitive deformable (RSDeform) attention to enhance the DETR's ability to detect oriented targets. It is used to build the feature alignment module and rotation-sensitive decoder for our model. We test RotaTR on four challenging-oriented benchmarks. It shows a great advantage in detecting dense and oriented objects compared to the original DETR. It also achieves competitive results when compared to the state-of-the-art.

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