Emergent Mind

LLaRA: Large Language-Recommendation Assistant

Published Dec 5, 2023 in cs.IR


Sequential recommendation aims to predict users' next interaction with items based on their past engagement sequence. Recently, the advent of LLMs has sparked interest in leveraging them for sequential recommendation, viewing it as language modeling. Previous studies represent items within LLMs' input prompts as either ID indices or textual metadata. However, these approaches often fail to either encapsulate comprehensive world knowledge or exhibit sufficient behavioral understanding. To combine the complementary strengths of conventional recommenders in capturing behavioral patterns of users and LLMs in encoding world knowledge about items, we introduce Large Language-Recommendation Assistant (LLaRA). Specifically, it uses a novel hybrid prompting method that integrates ID-based item embeddings learned by traditional recommendation models with textual item features. Treating the "sequential behaviors of users" as a distinct modality beyond texts, we employ a projector to align the traditional recommender's ID embeddings with the LLM's input space. Moreover, rather than directly exposing the hybrid prompt to LLMs, a curriculum learning strategy is adopted to gradually ramp up training complexity. Initially, we warm up the LLM using text-only prompts, which better suit its inherent language modeling ability. Subsequently, we progressively transition to the hybrid prompts, training the model to seamlessly incorporate the behavioral knowledge from the traditional sequential recommender into the LLM. Empirical results validate the effectiveness of our proposed framework. Codes are available at https://github.com/ljy0ustc/LLaRA.

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