Emergent Mind

StableDreamer: Taming Noisy Score Distillation Sampling for Text-to-3D

Published Dec 2, 2023 in cs.CV and cs.AI


In the realm of text-to-3D generation, utilizing 2D diffusion models through score distillation sampling (SDS) frequently leads to issues such as blurred appearances and multi-faced geometry, primarily due to the intrinsically noisy nature of the SDS loss. Our analysis identifies the core of these challenges as the interaction among noise levels in the 2D diffusion process, the architecture of the diffusion network, and the 3D model representation. To overcome these limitations, we present StableDreamer, a methodology incorporating three advances. First, inspired by InstructNeRF2NeRF, we formalize the equivalence of the SDS generative prior and a simple supervised L2 reconstruction loss. This finding provides a novel tool to debug SDS, which we use to show the impact of time-annealing noise levels on reducing multi-faced geometries. Second, our analysis shows that while image-space diffusion contributes to geometric precision, latent-space diffusion is crucial for vivid color rendition. Based on this observation, StableDreamer introduces a two-stage training strategy that effectively combines these aspects, resulting in high-fidelity 3D models. Third, we adopt an anisotropic 3D Gaussians representation, replacing Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs), to enhance the overall quality, reduce memory usage during training, and accelerate rendering speeds, and better capture semi-transparent objects. StableDreamer reduces multi-face geometries, generates fine details, and converges stably.


  • StableDreamer resolves challenges of previous text-to-3D models by creating clearer and more detailed 3D representations from textual descriptions.

  • By reconceptualizing SDS loss, StableDreamer reduces artifacts, such as the multi-face Janus problem, and improves the stability and quality of 3D models.

  • StableDreamer introduces a dual-phase training method combining image-space diffusion and latent-space diffusion for precision and color vibrancy.

  • The adoption of anisotropic 3D Gaussians allows the capture of finer details and transparent objects more effectively.

  • Comparative analysis shows that StableDreamer outperforms other text-to-3D models, particularly in the representation of complex objects with high fidelity and detail.

Embracing Stability and Detail in Text-to-3D Generation with StableDreamer

Generating 3D models from textual descriptions has always been a challenging task. The interplay between textual prompts and the final 3D output requires sophisticated algorithms that can interpret language and visualize it in a three-dimensional context. The introduction of StableDreamer marks a remarkable progress in this arena, overcoming common issues associated with previous approaches.

The Challenge with Previous Methods

Previous text-to-3D generation techniques often struggled with generating clear and detailed models. Distorted geometries with multiple faces—a phenomenon known as the "multi-face Janus problem"—and a lack of fine detail were typical. This was mainly due to the noisy gradients in the Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) loss, a cornerstone in the training process. StableDreamer, a novel method, sought to address these key issues, resulting in more stable and higher quality 3D models.

How StableDreamer Makes a Difference

StableDreamer is a methodological innovation that brings three specific advancements:

  1. Reanalyzing SDS Loss: Through a novel lens, SDS loss is now viewed as a supervised reconstruction problem, which allows for better inspection of the training dynamics. This new perspective also led to a strategy of noise-level annealing during training, which helps to reduce multi-face geometries.
  2. Adopting Dual-Phase Training: This method harnesses the strengths of both image-space diffusion for capturing geometric precision and latent-space diffusion for rendering vibrant colors. This dual approach ensures the creation of highly detailed models with accurate geometry and brilliant appearances.
  3. Incorporating Anisotropic 3D Gaussians: Switching to 3D Gaussian splats instead of traditional volumetric representations has shown tremendous benefits in quality and speed. Engineered to adapt to the SDS training strategy, these 3D Gaussians capture finer details and transparent objects with greater fidelity compared to other methods.

Comparisons and Innovations

In order to gauge the effectiveness of StableDreamer, comparisons were made with several leading text-to-3D models. Results indicate that this new approach produces 3D assets with significant improvements in fidelity and detail. Particularly notable is its aptitude to handle the geometrical and textural precision of complex objects like baskets of macarons, colorful birds, and various other intricate shapes.

An important step in StableDreamer's process is the noise annealing strategy, which calibrates the noise levels introduced during image generation. This fine-tuning is crucial for the high-quality outcomes observed, as higher noise levels tend to result in artifacts and multi-faced geometry.

Key Takeaways

The ingenuity of StableDreamer lies in its simplicity and effectiveness. Its ability to tame noisy gradients and optimize the quality of generated 3D models is remarkable. The method promises exciting future applications, where stable, detailed, and realistic 3D representations can be generated from textual prompts with new-found consistency and speed. The research behind StableDreamer represents a significant step forward in the field of computer vision and artificial intelligence, advancing our ability to bridge the gap between text descriptions and 3D visualizations.

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