Emergent Mind

Identifying Spurious Correlations using Counterfactual Alignment

Published Dec 1, 2023 in cs.CV , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Models driven by spurious correlations often yield poor generalization performance. We propose the counterfactual alignment method to detect and explore spurious correlations of black box classifiers. Counterfactual images generated with respect to one classifier can be input into other classifiers to see if they also induce changes in the outputs of these classifiers. The relationship between these responses can be quantified and used to identify specific instances where a spurious correlation exists as well as compute aggregate statistics over a dataset. Our work demonstrates the ability to detect spurious correlations in face attribute classifiers. This is validated by observing intuitive trends in a face attribute classifier as well as fabricating spurious correlations and detecting their presence, both visually and quantitatively. Further, utilizing the CF alignment method, we demonstrate that we can rectify spurious correlations identified in classifiers.


  • The paper discusses a critical issue in AI where models rely on spurious correlations in image classification.

  • Counterfactual alignment is introduced as a method to create and analyze counterfactual images to understand these correlations.

  • The technique is effective in detecting intuitive and non-intuitive spurious correlations and aggregating data statistics.

  • The method also allows for the rectification of biases by adjusting classifier parameters.

  • While promising, the paper acknowledges limitations related to autoencoder capacity and generalizability beyond face attribute classification.

In the realm of AI and machine learning, particularly in the area of image classification, a critical issue arises when models rely on what are called spurious correlations – relationships in the data that may exist due to coincidence or context but are not actually relevant to the task at hand. In essence, spurious correlations can lead to questionable model decisions, where the logic applied by the AI does not truly reflect the way we would want it to make decisions.

To address this issue, a method called counterfactual alignment has been introduced. This technique creates counterfactual images: versions of an input image that have been synthetically altered to change the classifier's prediction, keeping all other aspects as unchanged as possible. By generating these images with respect to one classifier and testing them on other classifiers, researchers can gain insight into whether the classifiers are basing their decisions on similar features of the input images. If the alterations made in the counterfactual images also lead to changes in the predictions of other classifiers, it suggests shared feature usage – features that all classifiers consider when making a decision.

The counterfactual alignment method can not only spot specific instances of spurious correlations but also aggregate statistics over an entire dataset. This is particularly insightful in scenarios where the data involves complex features, such as in face attribute classification. In this context, researchers have demonstrated that counterfactual alignment can detect intuitive and non-intuitive relationships. For instance, one might intuitively expect heavy makeup to be correlated with the attractiveness attribute, but not necessarily with features like lip size if that wasn't explicitly part of the attractiveness definition.

To further validate the efficacy of this method, researchers have successfully fabricated classifiers with specific spurious correlations and then used counterfactual alignment to detect these artificial biases. This verification step is critical because it shows that the method isn’t just sensitive to existing patterns in data but can also identify newly introduced ones.

An interesting extension of this method involves using it to rectify the biases that it discovers. By adjusting classifier parameters based on the insights gained from counterfactual alignment, it's possible to reduce the influence of spurious correlations on a classifier's output. Induced biases can be corrected, for instance, by composing classifiers with weights that counteract the influence of irrelevant attributes.

One example detailed in the work is the adjustment of a classifier trained to identify "heavy makeup" that inadvertently uses "lip size" as a predictive feature. By composing this classifier with another that positively identifies "big lips," the researchers were able to mitigate the unwanted correlation.

While the technique offers a promising direction for understanding and correcting biases in classifiers, it also has limitations. The method's effectiveness can be constrained by the capacity of the autoencoder used to generate counterfactual images, and there may be inherent biases in the counterfactual generation process itself. Additionally, the study's focus on face attribute classification enables strong visual verification but also means its generalizability to other domains remains to be demonstrated.

In conclusion, counterfactual alignment offers a novel window into the inner workings of classifiers, allowing for a detailed examination of correlations and the establishment of more robust, fair, and explainable AI systems. It represents a step towards ensuring that machine learning models are "right for the right reasons," aligning model predictions with the human rationale behind them. The source code and model weights for these experiments have been made publicly available, inviting further exploration and adaptation of the counterfactual alignment method within the broader AI community.

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