Emergent Mind

Readout Guidance: Learning Control from Diffusion Features

Published Dec 4, 2023 in cs.CV


We present Readout Guidance, a method for controlling text-to-image diffusion models with learned signals. Readout Guidance uses readout heads, lightweight networks trained to extract signals from the features of a pre-trained, frozen diffusion model at every timestep. These readouts can encode single-image properties, such as pose, depth, and edges; or higher-order properties that relate multiple images, such as correspondence and appearance similarity. Furthermore, by comparing the readout estimates to a user-defined target, and back-propagating the gradient through the readout head, these estimates can be used to guide the sampling process. Compared to prior methods for conditional generation, Readout Guidance requires significantly fewer added parameters and training samples, and offers a convenient and simple recipe for reproducing different forms of conditional control under a single framework, with a single architecture and sampling procedure. We showcase these benefits in the applications of drag-based manipulation, identity-consistent generation, and spatially aligned control. Project page: https://readout-guidance.github.io.

Control refinement through Readout Guidance combined with ControlNet.


  • Readout Guidance introduces a method for controlling text-to-image diffusion models using lightweight readout heads, which are trained on internal features of a pre-trained, frozen diffusion model to efficiently guide the image generation process.

  • The system uses these readout heads to handle various image properties and user-defined targets through a mechanism that updates the guidance function at each sampling step, allowing for nuanced and flexible image manipulation.

  • The approach achieves significant improvements in areas like drag-based manipulation, appearance preservation, and identity consistency with minimal computational resources, requiring only 100 annotated samples and a training duration of a few hours on a consumer GPU.

Readout Guidance: Learning Control from Diffusion Features

The paper "Readout Guidance: Learning Control from Diffusion Features" introduces Readout Guidance, a novel approach to control text-to-image diffusion models using lightweight readout heads trained on internal features of a pre-trained, frozen diffusion model. This technique provides efficient and flexible control over the image generation process using various constraints, significantly reducing the need for extensive parameter tuning and large annotated datasets, compared to existing conditional generation methods.

Core Contributions

1. Functional Overview

Readout Guidance employs small, efficiently trained networks called readout heads to extract relevant signals from the features of a pre-trained diffusion model at every timestep. These readouts can represent single-image properties such as pose, depth, and edges or higher-order properties like appearance similarity and correspondence between multiple images.

2. Guidance Mechanism

The method involves the following steps: compute a readout from intermediate diffusion features, compare the readout to a user-defined target, and back-propagate the gradient through the readout head to guide the sampling process. This approach is inspired by classifier guidance but extends it to handle regression tasks rather than classification, thus enabling more nuanced conditional controls. Notably, the guidance function operates over the distance between the reference and predicted readout, updated at every sampling step, allowing it to incorporate multiple user constraints seamlessly.

3. Training Efficiency

Readout heads demonstrate high efficiency both in their learning process and computational footprint. They require significantly fewer parameters and training samples: approximately 100 annotated samples and a training duration of a few hours on a consumer GPU. Remarkably, the heads maintain memory efficiency, with only 49MB required compared to the 1.4GB demanded by ControlNet~\cite{zhang2023adding}.

Strong Results

Drag-Based Manipulation

The method excels in drag-based image manipulation, significantly outperforming contemporaries such as DragDiffusion~\cite{shi2023dragdiffusion}. By integrating both appearance similarity and correspondence feature heads, the model adeptly handles large out-of-plane motions, effectively rotating objects or subjects and preserving background consistency without needing additional input masks.

Appearance Preservation

Readout heads also facilitate consistent appearance preservation without the need for subject-specific fine-tuning seen in methods like DreamBooth~\cite{ruiz2023dreambooth}. By applying varying levels of guidance weight, the method demonstrates flexibility in maintaining subject identity across different structural variations.

Identity Consistency

In scenarios requiring the preservation of human identities across generative samples, the identity consistency head proves invaluable. It ensures that different contextual prompts still yield images containing the same individual, an application bolstered by specialized training on facial datasets~\cite{karras2017progressive}.

Spatially Aligned Control

The model adeptly handles various spatially aligned controls, such as pose, depth, and edge guidance, validating its versatility. When compared quantitatively using the percentage of correct keypoints (PCK), Readout Guidance combined with existing methods like T2IAdapter~\cite{mou2023t2i} significantly enhances performance, achieving a 2.3x improvement in PCK.

Implications and Future Directions

Practical Implications

The implications of this work are profound. By facilitating control over image generation with minimal additional resources, Readout Guidance democratizes advanced AI capabilities, making them accessible to a broader user base and reducing the dependency on vast annotated datasets and extensive computational resources.

Theoretical Insights

The research reinforces the idea that internal representation learning within diffusion models holds untapped potential for generalized control applications. By leveraging these rich internal features, it is possible to achieve nuanced control without requiring heavy architectural modifications.

Future Developments

Future developments may explore optimizing the memory consumption for broader accessibility, enhancing real-time application potential. Furthermore, expanding this methodology to other generative models beyond diffusion could open new avenues in controlled image synthesis and beyond. The integration and cooperation between Readout Guidance and other fine-tuned conditional models suggest promising synergies that merit deeper exploration.


The paper presents Readout Guidance as an efficient, versatile method for controlling text-to-image diffusion models using lightweight, trainable readout heads. By maintaining a low computational and annotation footprint while achieving impressive qualitative and quantitative results, this method represents a significant step forward in the domain of conditional image generation.

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